Bath County KyArchives Wills.....Sorency, David 1823 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Alice Warner January 30, 2008, 1:15 pm Source: Will Book, Courthouse Written: 1823 Recorded: September 1823 Recording of David Sorency's will part 2 named in said will, who made oath thereto as the Law directs it is Ordered that Probate be granted them in due form, giving Security Whereupon they, together with Arthur Doggitt and John Sorency entered into and acknowledged bond, in the Penalty of $4000 Conditioned according to Law, Whereupon the same is truly recorded in my orrice as the Law dircets, Teste William M Sudduth CBC Additional Comments: [I apologize for this being all split up, I didn't realize I had a photocopy of this part until after posting the will and the first part of the recording] Part one here: File at: This file has been created by a form at