MILITARY: Civil War Pension File, Sarah Johnson w/o Samuel Johnson - Bell Co., KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Posted by Roberta Whitacre on Tue, 2 Feb 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On this 11th day of June 1890, at Lock (4mi. E.) County of Bell, State of Ky, before me, W. H. Neas, a special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Mrs. Sarah Johnson, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all enterrogatories to her during this special examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: "My age is 51 years, as near as I can come at it-the record in father's bible was destroyed, and my children put this down. My occupation is housekeeper, and P.O. Lock, Bell Co. Ky. Residence about 4 mi. E. on Mill Creek. My P.O. was given as Pineville by Mr. Culton who has done my writing, but that is 9 or 10 miles from here. I have never received your letter which you say was sent about 2 weeks ago. There was never nothing said about his opening my mail and it my be there yet. I am the widow of Samuel Johnson who was enrolled June 10, 1863 and discharged Dec. 26, 1864, Corporal Co. F. 49th Ky. Vo. Infantry as his discharge shows-it also shows him 22 years of age and that no objection is known to exist why he should not be enlisted. He died on Christmas night, a year ago last Christmas-no record. He died of piles and running off of the bowels to the best of my opinion. He was never employed in any other service, naval, or military. I was married when I was going on 19 years, to this soldier and we had two children when he went in the army. I have no record. I was married at my father's, Billy Burns, on Straight Creek, about 2.5 miles from here, in what was then Harlan Co. The ceremony was performed by Robert Helton, Esq. now dead, the license were brought from Harlan Courthse. I dont know whether there is any record of it or not. Amos Johnson, A.D. Johnson, John Lefevers. The above were present and saw us married. Neither of us had been previously married. My name was Sarah Burns. I have not remarried, cohabited or lived with any man as his wife since soldier's death. "I had five children under 16 years of age at soldier's death as follows: John Johnson born _17, 1874 Andy Johnson Sept. 6, 1876 Leander Johnson Jan 3, 1879 Betty Johnson July 13, 1881 Millard Johnson Dec. 10, 1883 These are all the children I had by soldier that were under 16 years of age at his death, and soldier left no other children under 16 years that were sworn to him. He never provided or claimed any others, but there were two laid to him-one over 16 yrs, the other under 16 yrs. We always lived together as man and wife, never separated or divorced. None of the above children have died-all living now The record you see was put down by my eldest daughter, 13 or 14 years ago. Me and her Pap told her the best we knew and sh put it down. I know John was born in April, but the month was left out in that record. I have had the care, custody and maintenance of these children all the time since their father died. No doctor attended me at their births-just women. My sister, Mrs. Jane Johnson, is the only person who was present when the eldest, John was born. She has been divorced, and may go by the name of Burns. She lives with her son-in-law, John Saylor, P.O. Worstville, Paulding Co. Ohio. Dicey Johnson, P. O. here was present at birth of Andy and Betty, Mrs. Betsey Cox, P.O. here, was present when Leander was born. There is no other record of age than what I have shown you. The date of soldier's death was not set down. "I did not have much acquaintance with my husband before marriage-had seen him several times-lived 15 or 16 miles apart. He had no disease or disability prior to enlistment, except a disease of throat which he had from my first knowing him, and his mother said he had it from a child, He would have about two spells a year-one in spring, and one in fall. They would last about a week that he could not work or swallow anything unless it was a little thin soup or milk. It would not swell much on the outside but would break and run on the inside about the root of the tongue. It appears like it was on one side. He never doctored it any or had a physician. He never had any diarrhea or piles before entering the service. He was at home twice for a few days on furlough while a soldier-do not remember of any complaints then. I went to see him once while at Somerset or Burnsides Point, Ky. the year after entering the army- it appears like he was complaining-know he was in tent not doing anything while I was there-3 or 4 or 5 days. He come home immediately after discharge and lived right here until death- never followed anything but farming. Lyman Lefevers, Geo. Baker, and Amos Johnson all come home with him. I did not see much difference in his looks then and before-it has been so long ago I have not much recollectrion of it noway. He cleared some ground-I know we did not make much corn that year. He complained of piles, soon after coming home-dont know whether the first or second year, and continued so each and every year until death. I would frequently see blood stains on his clothes from the piles. He had to be careful about his eating, could not eat meat or anything greasy-said it laid heavey on his stomach and made him feel full. It got worse all along. I heard him say many a time it would kill him. Do not remember what he said caused it. He never had but 1 or 2 spells with his throat after service-none for several years before death. I do not remember of his coughing any up until the last year or so, and then a right smart-the children had the hooping cough, and he said he coughed bad as they did. "I dont think anybody worked with us the first year after discharge. Amos Johnson cleared some ground here in a year or two, and James Johnson worked here in a year or two and has worked by spells and lived near ever since. Lyman Lefevers, George Baker, Elijah Wilson, and Amos Johnson have known him best. Some of the nearest neighbors have died, some have moved to-I dont know where. Soldier worked some for Elijah Wilson, but mostly at home. At first he could do a good deal of work, but, could not stand it steady. He never could hold out to work as well after he was as before. For the last ten years he could not do hardly anything. He often complained that riding a horse hurt him, and got so by times he could not ride to do any good, nor even sit in a chair-would often lie down. He was bed fast and I helped him up and down about 3 mos. at last-had no use of himself hardly-got very poor and thin. His bowels run off a sight, mostly blood, some yuellow stuff. The night he died the bed was a sight. His feet and legs had been swelling for a year, but was not as bad at last as about 6 months before. He coughed up a right smart phlegm by times. He complained of griping pains in his bowels. Do not recollect of anything else. He never had any doctor come to see him at anytime but went to Dr. James Bingham Pineville, Ky and got medicine. James Johnson also went and got some. His mother would come and make tea for him at different times. This is all the medical treatment he ever received. I dont know that I have to make out application for pension as widow before I can be put on the rolls. Nobody waited on soldier much but his own family and brothers, and Amos Johnson's wife-Tilda. I understand it is my right to be present during this examination but I cant go very well-maybe one of my boys will go if he cant plow. I have understood your questions and my answers are correctly recorded in this deposition Neither me nor soldier could write any. Signed Mrs. Sarah Johnson X (wife of Samuel Johnson) 11 June, 1890 Widow's Declaration For Pension: State of Kentucky county of Bell On this 7th day of August 1890 personally appeared before me James F. Slusher, Clerk, of the Bell County Court, a court of record within and for the county and state aforesaid, Sarah Johnson aged 51 years, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under the act of congress approved on the 27th of June, that she is the widow of Samuel Johnson who was enrolled under the name of Samuel Johnson at Camp Nelson, Ky. on the 10 day of June 1863, in Kentucky and served one year and discharged at Lexington Ky. Dec. 26, 1864 Co. F. 49th Regt. Ky. Vols. in the war of the rebellion and who was honorably discharged from the service of the united states at Lexington Ky., That she was married to said Samuel Johnson under the name of Sarah Burns on the -----day of March 1859 by Robert Helton at the residence of Nancy Burns, that her said husband died at home on Strait Creek on the 25th day of December 1888. That the following are the names and dates of birth of all of said legitimate children yet surviving, viz: Catherine Johnson born Dec. 28th 1860, Martha Johnson b. January 15, 1862, David Johnson b. July 28, James, Feb. 25 1868, L.A. Johnson March 28, 1870, Wm. b. May 6, 1872, John April 17, 1874, Andrew b. Sept. 6, 1876, Leander b. Jan. 3, 1879, Elisabeth b. July 13, 1881, Milard b. Dec. 10, 1885 Affidavit of Dicey Johnson regarding pension application: Affiant states that she is a midwife and that she was present and attended in the capacity of midwife when Andrew Johnson, child of Samuel Johnson, deceased, and Sarah Johnson. Andrew Johnson was born on the 6th day September 1876. I know the date from record kept in the family bible and from other circumstances and the place I lived during the year 1876. Affiant states that she was present and acted in the capapcity of midwife when Elizabeth Johnson, child of Samuel Johnson and Sarah Johnson was born. Said Elizabeth Johnson was b. July 13 1881. I know the date from record kept in the family bible and the place I lived during the year 1881. I am not interested in this claim Affidavit of Jane Johnson: Affiant states that she was present and acted in the capacity of midwife when John Johnson child of Samuel Johnson and Sarah Johnson was born. The aforesaid John Johnson was born April 14 1874. I know the date from the record given in the bible and by the circumstances that my brother, David Burns started to move from Kentucky to Indians on that day. October 1889 Submitted by : Roberta Whitacre, Cinti, Ohio