NEWS: Trio of Runaways Leave No Clues, 1921, Bell Co. ---------------------------- Submitted by Mary Lou Hudson Date: 3 Oct 2003 ---------------------------- Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, Ky Jan. 22, 1921 Seeking Pastures Anew, Trio Of Local Lads Run Away, Leave No Clue Behind William Shorter, Clyde Engle and Wade Campbell Departed Thursday Night -- Police Authorities In Nearby States Notified To Be On Lookout For Them. Unmindful of the high cost of traveling expenses, with thoughts of seeing fields anew, William Shorter, 15; Clyde Engle, 13, and Wade Campbell, 12, staged a runaway Thursday night, and since leaving the city nothing has been heard from them or no clue was left behind to indicate their destination. The three boys, according to several local lads approached to take part in their escapade, had made plans several days before they departed to run away, giving as their excuse that Middlesboro was "too slow" and life here too monotonous, believing that "men are merriest when they are from home." The Shorter boy, the eldest of the trio, apparently was the "master mind" of the runaway, according to tales told by several asked to go along. It was learned this afternoon that Lafayette, Ind., was mentioned as their destination. This is the home of the mother of Wade Campbell, who lived here with his grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Campbell on Chester avenue. However, this report could not be verified. The only money known to be in possession of the three boys was $10 which the Campbell boy had. This money was sent to him by his mother for a Christmas present. the Shorter lad joined the other boys early Thursday night, giving as an excuse to this parents that he was going to church and that he would be home as soon as services were over. Several hours after he departed it was discovered that he had taken all his clothing, and his parents realized then that the boy was running away from home. Parents of the boys phoned to police authorities in Louisville, Knoxville an other cities to keep a lookout for the trio, but up to noon today no word was received that they had been located. According to one boy who refused to leave with the trio, the runaways left on No. 23, going in the direction of Norton. This could not be verified at the station. In the meantime the parents of and guardian of the boys are concerned about their whereabouts and ask the people of the city to furnish them with any clue that would lead to assisting them in finding their boys. ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. **************************************************************************