Bell County KyArchives Wills.....Slater, Elizabeth Ullem June 10, 1816 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kelly Courtney-Blizzard July 13, 2005, 11:45 pm Source: Loudoun Virginia Court Records Written: June 10, 1816 Wills: SLATER,ULLEM ELIZABETH 1816 LOUDOUN CO, VIRGINIA I Elizabeth Slater of Loudon and State of Virginia being weak of body but sound of mind and considering the uncertainty of this life do make my last will and testament that is to say after all my just debts and funeral expensesare discharged I bequeath my property in the following manner to wit in the first place I give unto my daughter (note: it appears a line was left out of the copy)first done I charge my Exor immediatley after my death to take possesion of all my household furniture Keys Chests together with my small stock and make sale thereof to the best advantage for the heirs and divide the proceeds thereof equal between my son John Ullem and Elizabeth Slater my daughter in like manner I will that my money standing out in bonds and otherwise shall be collectedso so Soon as may be Praticable and also be divided in the like manner between John Ullem and Elizabeth Slater and it is to be further understood that my son John Ullem under Preleuce Erroniously claims a Legacy part of the same from me which he says I never paid out of the estate of my son Andrew Ullem should as records be found after my deathto convince my executor the contrairy it shall not be paid to him a second timeI declare before my God and the world that he is paid every cent and over in witness where of I appoint constitue and ordain John Stousaberger my only and sole excu. to perform and execute this my Last will and testament in writing whereof I have here unto set me hand and affixed my seal this 10th day of June inthe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred Sixteen 1816. her Elizabeth X Slater mark witness Henry Huff his Mealy X Fanner mark At court hel(d) for Loudoun County 13 Oct 1817 This last will and testament of Elizabeth Slater decd was presented to the court and proved by oaths of Henry Huff & Mealy Fanner and ordered to be recorded where upon John Stouseberger the exc therin named made oath thereto according to lawand together with Henry Huff and Adam Householden his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty one thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form Pg 249 Will Book M Loudoun County To wit Agreeable to an order of court direct to us the undersigned we have this day proceeded to value and appraise the personal estate of Elizabeth Slater decd and make upon as following iz follows 6 1/2 heads of Sheep $8.93 5/4 1 Cow and ___ 21.20 1 hoy(?) 3.00 Garden ____ 1.00 3 ___ and ____ .62 1/2 2 hoes and tub .87 2 bages and tray .72 a parcel of Flax .23 a spinning wheel 1.00 potatoes, 2 saddles and onions .80 a reel .32 1 chest 4.00 1 bed spread(?) 1.50 4 chairs 2.00 1 large ____ 2.00 3 ___ do do do 1.50 a dutch oven and skillett 1.50 ladle, skimmer and meat fork 1.00 a churn, two bucketts and a salt box 1.00 a coffee mill, smoothing iron and jug 1.75 118(?) cards .25 Looking glass .18 3/4 a duper with plates___ 9.70 65.43 1 bedstead and bedding 15.75 1 blanket 1.50 ___ tongs,pot hook 1.00 laceyards(?) .75 1doz chickens _____ 1.00 (?) 86.43 Given under our hand this 20th day of October 1817 Peter Souder Andrew Spring his Jacob Spring mark George Arman(?) At a court held for Loudoun County March the 9th 1818 this inventory and appraisment of the estate of Elizabeth Slater decd was. (end of copied document) WILL BOOK O PG 13 1817 Octbr 27 John Stousenbarger to the estate of Elizabeth Slater To amount of sale of the property of Elzabeth Slater decd made by her Executor 97.15 To Henry Huff and John Wires note $25.00 Intrest on the same $2.95 27.95 Credit on the note for $10.87 in the life time of E. Slater 10.87 17.08 _____ To Ann Taylor and Isaac Steer Jr note $100.00 Interest on the same from 13th April 1813 up to the 14th May 1818 $30.45 ______ 130.45 Cr for $60.00 paid 14th May 1818 $60.00 ______ 70.45 Intrest on the bal from May 1818 up to Sept 4th 1819 5.25 75.70 ______ To cash found in the home of the decd 1.07 To amount of George Huff & note 90.70 _______ 281.00 Deduct............123.07 _______ Bal...............157.93 The Estate of E Slater to John Stousenbarger CR 1818 Apr by cash paid Hanson Marton for Coffin 10.00 By Martin Sockmans acct 2.00 By John Marlow's acct 5.00 By Adam Winsels proved acct 2.83 By Henry Shorts - - 1.95 By John Slaters - - 2.00 By Jacob Slaters - - 3.75 By Peter Stucks - - 37.05 By Henry Huff - - 26.66 Clerks note .70 By whiskey furnished at the sale 2.21 By the Cryers Bill 2.50 By whisky and candles at her death 1.25 By Ann Taylors proved acct 10.17 By Commision for the Executors trouble 15.00 _____ 123.07 Agreeable to an order of the worshipfull court of Loudoun County Bearing date on the 12th day of October 1818 we the undersigned have examined the state account of Elizabeth Slater Decd and John Stousenbarger her executor and find a balance due from the executor of one hundred & fifty seven dollars & ninety three cents. Henry Huff Chs Elgin Peter Souder, Sept 4th 1849 At a court held in Loudoun County January 14th 1822 This Estate account of Elizabeth Slater decd was returned by the commisioners and orders to be recorded Teste C. Binns Clk File at: This file has been created by a form at