Boone County KyArchives Military Records.....WW II Casualty List, Army & Army Air Corps ww2 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin September 13, 2004, 10:06 am Deaths BEIL, William F, Pfc, DOW BLAACKER, Keenenth E, Pvt, DNB BOOTS, John, 1st/Lt, KIA BRITTENHELM, George W, Pfc, DNB CHIPLEY, Clarence L, Pfc, KIA COUCH, Paul W, Pfc, KIA CRADDOCK, Charles E, Pfc, KIA CRADDOCK, Harold C, S/Sgt, FOD EDWARDS, Isaac N, Pfc, DNB FOGLE, George E, Pvt, KIA GETTYS, Raymond, Tec/5, KIA HEGINBOTHAM, George W, Sgt, FOD HEIDKAMP, Richard A, Tec/5, DOW HUTTON, Cecil M, Pvt, DNB JARBOE, Cletis,Sgt, DNB KNOX, Aubrey E, Sgt, DNB McELROY, Lloyd D, S/Sgt, KIA OWEN, Tom Jr, Pfc, DOW RANES, Floyd C, Pfc, DNB REAGAN, Cornelius L, 2nd/Lt, KIA ROGERS, James E Jr, Cpl, KIA SHEARS, Robert G, Pvt, KIA SNELLING, Elmer L, Sgt, KIA SNOW, Walter L, Tec/5, KIA TAYLOR, Joe, Pvt, KIA WITHAM, Raymond E, Pvt, FOD Additional Comments: Causes of death include: KIA=killed in action DOW=died of wounds DOI=died of injuries DNB=died non-battle FOD=finding of death, M=missing This file has been created by a form at