Boyd County KyArchives Obituaries.....Gallaher, George Albert September 4, 1931 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Anna Giunta June 25, 2009, 8:20 pm Ashland Daily Independent, 4 Sep 1931 George Albert Gallaher, retired farmer of 45th street, passed away this morning at four o'clock following an illness of one week. Mr. Gallaher had served a long and useful life in this community. He was born here March 5, 1864, and was past 67 years old when death wrote finis to his earthly span. During his long life here he had made a wide circle of many friends, who are greatly grieved at his passing. Mr. Gallaher is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jane Gallaher; five sons, Thornton, Mason, Normal, Walter and Homer Gallaher, all of Ashland; an only daughter, Mrs. Talatha Scenters, Ashland; 22 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral is to be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock fro the home, Rev. Damron officiating. Burial will be made in the Crum cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at