Bracken County KyArchives Wills.....Alexander, William February 22, 1820 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Deppner October 27, 2010, 6:40 pm Source: Bracken Co Ky Will Book B, Pages 198-199 Written: February 22, 1820 Recorded: May 1, 1820 I William Alexander of Bracken County and State of Kentucky Being of a sound mind and memory in the year of our lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty doth make and Constitute and ordain this as my last will and testament in the manner following to wit. first and principally I recommend my soul to God that gave it and my Body to be burried in a Christian like and decent manner, and touching such wourldy estate as I have [been] blessed with in this life, I give devise and bequeath the same in the following manner, viz. to [blank space] it my will and desire and I Do hereby ordain and direct that all my Just Debts and funeral charges be first paid and satisfied. Item 1st. I will and Bequeath to my Brother Gabriel Alexander my half of the plantation that I live on, likewise my half of Bylands place, and half of the place in Adams County in State of Ohio, likewise I will and bequeath to my Brother Gabriel Alexander, my half of all the horses, Cattle sheep and hogs, likewise my half of all the farming utentsals. It is my will and desire, at Gabriel's death, that my equal half of the negroes is sett free and at liberty. Item, I will and bequeath to Martha Hollis's heir one hundred and fifty Dollars, if it lives to the years of twenty one, it receives the money, if not it returns to the estate again. Item, I will and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Masters' heir if it lives to the years of twenty one, it receives the money if not it returns back again to the estate. I will and bequeath to my sister Martha Hollis one Dress, to my sister Margaret Alexander one Dress likewise, to my sister Elizabeth Masters one Dress. Item, I will and bequeath to my Brother John Alexander Brown County Ohio three hundred Dollars, to be equally divided amongst his sons and daughters. Item, I will and bequeath to my Brother Andrew Alexander Adams County Ohio Eight hundred Dollars, to be equally divided amongst his ------, and each Brother is to pay twenty Dollars to each sister. Item, I will and bequeath to my sister Dorcas Pilson two hundred Dollars. I hereby Constitute and appoint my Brother John's son Francis, and sister Dorcas Pilson's son James, my Executors of this my last will and testament, hoping they will see the same punctually carried, fulfiled, satisfied and confirming it and not any other, to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty second day of February, one thousand Eight hundred and twenty. William Alexander (Seal) Signed Sealed published pronounced and decreed by the testator William Alexander as his and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, the subscribers Attest Jessee Pigman Charles Pigman William Harrod Bracken County, May 1st 1820 This last will and testament of William Alexander Deceased was this day proven in Open Court by the oaths of Jesse Pigman, Charles Pigman and William Harrod, subscribing witnesses thereto, was ordered to be recorded which is duly done. John Colglazer, D.C. Additional Comments: FHL film #0344088 File at: This file has been created by a form at