ESTATE OF JOHN HARNED John Harned deceased Sale Bill 1881 August 15 filed and to be recorded Recorded in Book A1 page 430 We the appraisers appointed by the county court to appraise the property of John Harned dec. died on the 29th day of Jul 1881 at the late residents appraise the following property after being sworn to well and truly appraise said property [NOTE: These pages are badly smeared and faded with only appraised value visible. Only those limited areas that are visible are included here.] George Harris $209.33 James W. White 46.20 John Harned deceased approved bill recorded in Book No 1 page 435 The following is a true bills sale of the estate of John Harned deceased GEORGE HARNED, Admr State of Kentucky County of Breckinridge I G.P. Jolly Clerk certify that this foregoing sale bill was produced to court and ordered to be recorded this 15th August 1881. G.P. JOLLY, Clerk Sale Bill of John Harned dec sold at his place residence Jul 30th, 1881 John Butler 6 chairs 1.20 Ben Harned 7 chairs 1.60 Thomas Smith 6 chairs 1.05 P.C. Comer buckett etc .25 Ben Harned table & cloth .75 James Bruce saddle .10 Ben Harden hooks pans etc .45 P.C. Comer tin ware .15 Ben Harned stand table .05 A. Lucas stoves & canters 2.00 Ben Harned press .95 Ben Harned sundries .25 P.C. Comer pepper .15 P.C. Comer oven & lead .30 Wm Hoskinson Jr pan & buckett .70 N. Butler brass kettle 1.35 Ezra Duncan tin ware .20 Wm Harned sleys 2.05 John Davis scissors & scales .75 Ezra Duncan barrel etc .05 John Butler junk .05 John Davis jarr .35 Henry Shrewsbery Bible 3.05 Ben Harned Bible .10 John Johnson junk .10 Marietha Hardin bed & cloths 20.00 Maggie Hardin bed & cloths 20.00 John Howard jarr etc .45 $58.65 No 2 To amount brought forward from page No 1 $55.65 Henry Harned bucket & jarr .10 James White tap line .15 Frank Royalty shovel .10 P.C. Comers bitters 1.50 Ben Lucas tobacco .25 Watt Hay tobacco .20 Henry Harned tobacco .15 Henry Harned tobacco .10 Wm Beard tobacco .10 A. Lucas tobacco .10 A. Lucas tobacco .15 Frank Royalty tobacco .10 Henry Harned tobacco .10 Frank Lampton book .15 Ben Harned bottles etc .12 Sam Sharp goarts .05 P.C. Comer fruit cans .25 Ben Harned fruit cans 1.30 Emandie Johnson fruit cans .35 N. Butler bucket & nails .20 Henry Harned bolts .25 Ezra Duncan Pan, k and forks .75 Henry Harned box .05 James Bruce pitcher .40 Ben Lucas pitcher .10 Wm Hoskinson glasses .35 E.P. Tucker glasses .10 Jas. Bruce dish .35 P.C. Comer dish .10 P.C. Comer towels 1.00 $67.62 No 3 To amount brought forward from page No 2 $67.62 Henry Harned one boll [bowl] & plaetes [plates] .60 Wm Harned one boll & plaetes .10 John Pile glass stand .40 Thos Smith dish .45 Ben McGary dish .35 Thos Lucas dish .35 E.P. Tucker spoons .25 Wm Hudson coffee mill .15 Wm Harned .15 Thos Smith bees wax .10 Geo. Harned bottle .10 James B..a knife .10 Frank Royalty blankett .25 Henry Harned comfort .75 S.W. Davis comfort 2.75 S.W. Davis coverlett 2.85 Ben Harned coverlett 2.75 Philey Hardin coverlett 4.00 S.W. Davis guild 3.00 James Bruce guild .20 Wm Hudson guild .25 S.W. Davis blankett 1.80 Wm Hudson 2 blankett 1.10 James Harned 3 beds 16.00 James Harned 3 pillows 1.00 George Harned guild .25 James Bruce linen .25 Wm Hudson spread .25 Thos. Smith sheet .10 James Harned horse 60.00 $160.37 No 4 To amount brought forward from page No 3 $160.37 Ezra Duncan a bed tick 1.05 James Bruce a bed tick .30 F.M. Royalty a pan .15 S.W. Davis books .65 Ben Lucas a hammer .80 Ezra Duncan box etc .05 Ezra Duncan bedstand .60 James Bruce pinchers .15 Ben Harned sausage mill .75 Geo. Harned umbrella .35 P.C. Comer flat iron .80 P.C. Comer blinds .20 Frank Royalty oil cloth .45 P.C. Comer gear 9.00 Maggie Hardin trunk .25 Ben Harned soap .20 James White razor etc .50 James Bruce books .25 Ezra Duncan book case .40 Henry Shrewsbery lamp .05 Wm Hudson table etc .25 Geo. Harned Phlegnes .15 Ben Harned toilet .10 Ben Harned dog irons 1.30 Frank Royalty bed cover .40 John Butler tongs .55 Ezra Duncan glasses .25 Ben Harned carpet 1.25 James Bruce glass .15 Ben Lucas leather .65 $182.37 No 5 To amount brought forward from page No 4 $182.37 Ben Harned saddle 7.50 Ben Harned table linen 1.05 Frank Royalty box and candles .10 Ben Harned tub and barrels .50 Ben Harned case & j..cks .15 John Butler case & honey .45 Wat Hay copart 3.30 Wat Hay bureau 1.75 Wm Harned cloak 7.95 P.C. Comer press 3.35 Henry Harned horn .35 Ben Harned bee hive & gums 7.10 Wm Harned jarr .30 Ben Harned jarr .30 Wm Harned jarr .20 Wm Harned box onions .30 Wat Hay jarrs .20 Wm Harned forks .20 Ben Harned pop corn .05 Wm Hudson tallow .30 Wm Hudson barrels .20 Ben Harned box and barrels 1.00 Thos Lucas augers etc .50 John Shrewsbery knife & auger .30 Ben Harned vinegar .30 Ezra Duncan saw .45 Felix Butler beef & jerk .35 John Alexander lard .60 Wm Harned potatoes 7 bush @ 25 1.75 $223.07 No 6 To amount brought forward from page No 5 $223.07 Ben Harned ... 1.00 Doc Piles meat 117 lbs @ 15 cents 17.55 Wm Harned soap 3.00 Ben Harned soap 3.00 Ben Harned soap & grease .05 Ben Harned oats 4 bushels @ 30 1.20 Ben Harned barrels .25 John Butler wheel 1.35 Ben Lucas barrel .55 Ben Harned kettle 2.55 John Davis ax .60 Ben Harned carpett 1.50 James Bruce harnes 1.85 P.C. Comer oats 5.25 Ben Harned chickens 4 doz @ 1.00 4.00 P.C. Comer cabbage 2.60 Wm Harned cabbage 2.65 Geo. Harned cabbage 2.25 Ben Harned potatoes 1.00 Ben Harned corn in garden 2.55 John Alexander scale beans 1.50 James White saw .25 Ben Harned bench .50 Ben Harned corn 18 bush @ 40 7.20 John Butler 2 hogs 11.70 P.C. Comer plow 5.00 Ben Harned corn 40.00 Felix Butler cow 11.70 Doc. Carman calf 30.25 Ben Harned lot of peaches 1.30 Ben Harned slate .25 $387.47 JAMES W. WHITE, CLERK one note on Ben Harned of twelve hundred and thirty nine dollars and eight six cts given July the 24th 1880 at its full value. one on Ben Harned of three hundred and thirty seven dollars & 35 cts given Aug 1st 1880. one Cr [credit] of sixty three dollars & 31 cts .... Aug 1st 1881. one Cr [credit] May 2nd 1881 of fifty dollars that we appraise at their full value. One note on Ezra Harned of three hundred and twenty six dollars and 19 cts given July 26th 1880 that we appraise at its full value. one note on James Bruce of one hundred dollars given May 25th 1874 with a Cr [credit] of six dollars & 40 cts Jul 15th 1876 that we appraise at its full value. one note on William Harned of eighteen dollars & 15 cts given March 20th 1876 that we appraise at its full value. one on George Harned of two hundred dollars given Aug 17th 1876 with a Cr [credit] of fourty six dollars & 60 cts Aug 17th 1878 that we appraise at its full value. one note on James Harned of eighty six dollars & 74 cts given Nov 19th 1880 that we appraise at its full value. one note on James White of fourty dollars given Jan 8th 1879 that we appraise at its full value. one note on Joel R. of four hundred and fifty dollars given Jan 16th 1874 with a Cr [credit] of fourty five dollars Sept 7th 176 and a Cr [credit] of thirty dollars without any date that we appraise it doubtfull. one note on M.R. Hardin of twelve dollars & 50 cts given Sep 3rd 1880 that we appraise it doubtfull. one note on James Ross of ten dollars given Dec 25th 1871 that we appraise it doubtfull. the rent for a farm that Anslam Lucas rented of John Harned at fourteen dollars & 50 cts that we appraise at its full value. EDWARD BUTLER JR, FELIX BUTLER & JOSEPH P. MILNER Sworn and subscribed before me this July 29th 1881 GEORGE HARNED, J.P.B.C. State of Kentucky Breckinridge County Sep 19th 1881 This day the foregoing appraisement ... received in my office duly certified and admitted to record this 19th Sep 1881. UNABLE TO SEE