Civil War Pension Application, Aaron C. Schacklett, Breckinridge County, KY Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Tracy Myers ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ "Aaron C Shacklett, who was a [Capt] Maj. in Company "K" 3rd Regiment of Kentucky Cavalry Vols., reportedly died July 28, 1866." "The following is a copy of the Original Certificate upon which leave of absence was granted June 16, 1862 to Capt. A. C. Shacklett, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry." - "This is to certify that Capt. Aaron C. Shacklett of the 3rd Regt Ky Mounted Vols, having application for leave of absence. I do hereby certify that I have carefully examined this officer and find that he is afflicted with jaundice, and that in considering hereof, he is in my opinion, unfit for duty. I further declare my belief that he will not be able to resume his duties in a less period than 30 days." (Sgd) Will Trugleton "The medical certificate upon which his resignation as Major, same regiment, accepts to take effect April 13, 1863, was based, states that he is suffering from Fistula in Anus, resulting from an abscess which penetrated the rectum. The fistula is a large one, and affects his system seriously." Application for Arrears of Pension - To the Commissioner of Pensions: "I, Sophronia E Wedding, formerly the widow of Maj. Aaron C Shacklett of the 3rs Ky Vol Cavalry a pensioner, hereby apply for the arrears due me. My post office address is Cloverport, Breckenridge County, Kentucky." [Sophronia E Wedding] "Signed in my presence, by Sophronia E Wedding who is known to me to be the person she describes herself to be, and at the same time did not exhibited to me her pension certificate, which is returned to Pension Office on receipt of her last pension drawn May 5th 1880." [John W Raitt] "The claimant Mrs S E Wedding did not exhibit her Pension Cert, it having been returned to the Pension Office, and she could not remember the number. I can certify that she was a pensioner, and the widow of Maj. Aaron C Shacklett having known them both in his lifetime and her ever since his death, I also made out many of her Pension papers and know her to be the person she represents herself to be." [J W Raitt] County of Breckenridge in the State of Kentucky, the Justice of the Peace has duly "examined the family Bible of Aaron C Shacklett and Sophronia Shacklett his wife and find there recorded the births of the children of the said Shacklett and wife and as they belive an examination to be in the handwriting of said Aaron Shacklett and are as follows: Susa Ellen Shacklett born March the 9th 1858, Emma Shacklett born February the 29th, 1860, Mc Clellan Shacklett born May the 21st, 1862, Alfred Allen Shacklett born May 24th 1864. Midwife's or Assistant's Testimony in relation to Birth of Minor Children, Army Pension Claim --- Increase Case, Act of July 25, 1866. Single Affidavit. State of Kentucky, County of Meade. "On this 11 day of July 1877, before the undersigned a County Clerk within and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared Bettie Taylor of lawful age, a resident of the County of Meade in the State of Kentucky who being duly sworn according to law, on oath declares that she is, and has been for many years past personally well acquainted with the family of Aaron C Shacklett deceased, with whom, also, affiant was well acquainted in his lifetime, and who at the date of his death, was a resident of the said county of Breckenridge in the state of Kentucky. Affiant further states that she is personally well acquainted with Mrs. Sophronia E Shacklett who was the reputed and accredited widow of aforesaid Aaron C Shacklett deceased. That during their marriage there were born to them, the following named children, at the dates and places, as follows, to-wit:" - "I was the family servant of A.C. Shacklett and Sophronia E his wife then living near Meadville, Mead County, Kentucky and was present at the birth of Emma Shacklett daughter of the above named parents which was borned on the 29th day of February 1860 also at the birth of Alfalen [Alfred Allen] Shacklett son of the above named parents which was borned at the same place on the 24th day of May 1864." - "Affiant further states that she was present in the room, was an eye witness to the births when they severally took place and acted as assistant in the accouchement of the mother of said children, the said Sophronia E Shacklett the reputed and accredited widow of the said Aaron C Shacklett deceased." Bettie Taylor's Mark [X] 11th July 1877 Application of Guardian of Minor Children in Order to Obtain Army Pension, Act July 14, 1862. State of Kentucky; County of Breckenridge. "On this 20th day of October AD one thousand eight hundred and 80, personally appeared before the a clerk of County Court - M Wedding a resident of Cloverport in the County of Breckenridge, and state of Kentucky, aged 59, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on oath make the following Declaration of Guardian of the minor child of Aaron C Shacklett deceased, in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862, granting Pensions to minor children, under sixteen years of age, of deceased Officers and Soldiers; that he is the guardian of Alf Allen Shacklett whose father was a Major in company K commanded by Captain Harris, Commanded by Colonel Murray in the war of 1861; and that the said Major died at Cloverport on the 28th day of July in the year AD 1866; that death was caused by fistula contracted in the line of duty; that the mother of the child of aforesaid Alf Allen Shacklett." - "He further declares that the parents of his said ward were married at John Miller's on the 10th day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty six, by William Week." - "He also declares that he or his ward have not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted the rebellion in the United States, but have always been true and loyal to the Government of the United States; and he hereby authorizes and empowers L. Bingham--- of Washington, DC to prosecute his claim; and to receive and receipt for any certificate or draft that may be issue for the same." Signature of Claimant: [M. Wedding] Affidavit of Witnesses "Also personally appeared Edward Pate and R L Newson, residents of Cloverport, Breckenridge County of the State of Kentucky whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say that were present ad saw M Wedding sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they are well acquainted with the applicant, and the child of the said A C Shacklett and known to them to be the identical persons represented, and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim; that the name and age of the child Alf Allen Shacklett under sixteen years of age at his decease death follows: That is he was born the 24th day of May, 1864 and his father A. C. Shacklett died in the year 1866." - "That the parents of the said child were married at John Miller's on the 10th day of April, 1856. They are able to state the foregoing facts from the following circumstances: "Being well acquainted them for many years living in the same town." [Edw'd Pate] [R L Newson] Sworn and subscribed before me, this 20th day of October, 1880. Declaration of Guardian for Increase of Pension to Pensioned Children State of Kentucky, County of Breckenridge "On this 12th day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty three personally appears before me a County Court Clerk, Mark Wedding a resident of Cloverport, county of Breckenridge in the State of Kentucky aged 62 years. Being duly sworn makes the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions of Acts of Congress increasing the pensions of orphans: That he is the only legal guardian of Alfred Allen Shacklett and McClellan Shacklett legitimate children of Major Aaron C Shacklett who was enrolled in Co K 3 Ky Cavalry that on account of his death they have been granted pension in accordance with certificate numbered 182463, bearing date Certificate has been returned and which is herewith returned; and that the name and dates of birth of all legitimate children yet surviving, who were under sixteen years at the date of his death, are as follows:" - "and for full evidence of their parentage age names and dates of birth reference is made to the proof filed in the original claim of the widow No 182463" - "Suella, Emma, McClellan, Alf Allen" [M Wedding] Witness [James T Goff] General Affidavit, State of Kentucky, County of Breckenridge "In the matter of the claim of heirs of Maj. Aaron C Shacklett, dced for money due to minor heirs and Mark Wedding guardian of Alfred A Shacklett claim no 278345" - "Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace Thomas Dean aged 56 and George Miller aged 46, both citizens of Cloverport, Kentucky. Being duly sworn declare:" - "That they have met and personally acquainted with Capt or Maj. Aaron Shacklett and Miss S E Miller before they were married, and from their personal knowledge, can state positively that neither of them were previously married, and had no children except the four herein named. They further state that said Aaron Shacklett and Sophronia E Miller were married about the 10th day of April 1856 and that they had four children viz Suella Shacklett, Emma Shacklett, McClellan Shacklett, and Alfred Allen Shacklett which children are all now living so far as they know or living when they were last heard from. They further state that they have known the claimant A A Shacklett all his life and know him to be the son of Aaron and Sophronia E Shacklett, he was claimed by them when an infant and raised by them as their child and from personal knowledge they have every reason to believe that he is their natural child. They further state that the soldier A C Shacklett died in the year 1866 and left no other living children by said wife or any other. They state that said widow Sophronia E Shacklett married Mark Wedding to us well known who is the lawful guardian and claimant for money due as Pension to his ward Alfred A Shacklett. The affiant George Miller was a servant in the family before and at the marriage." [Thomas Dean] [George "X" Miller] General Affidavit, State of Kentucky, County of Breckenridge. In the matter of Sophronia E Wedding - "Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for aforesaid County and State, Joseph D. Brasheir and James E Wheeler citizen of the town of Cloverport, County of Breckenridge, State of Kentucky, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows:" - "That they have examined the family Bible of Aaron C Shacklett and Sophronia Shacklett his wife and find there recorded the births of the children of the said Shacklett and wife and as they believe on examination to be the handwriting of said Aaron Shacklett and are as follows viz" - "Susa Ella Shacklett born March the 9th 1858 Emma Shacklett born February the 29th 1860 McClellan Shacklett born May the 21st 1862 Alfred Allen Shacklett born May 24th 1864" [J D Brashear] [J E Wheeler] "Sworn and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant; and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution and further state that the Bible from which the record of ages of the children was taken was published in the New York in the year 1830 by the American Bible Society." Witness my hand and official seal this 24th day of April, 1887. [John W Raitt] Declaration of a Widow for Restoration of Pension (Act of March 3, 1901, Amending Section 4708, Revised Statutes.) "State of Texas, County of Bexar. On the 29th day of May, AD one thousand nine hundred and one personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Sophronia E. Wedding, aged 64 years, a resident of San Antonio, County of Bexar, State of Texas, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration for the purpose of having her name restored to the pension roll under the act of March 3, 1901, amending section 4708, Revised Statutes:" - "That she was formerly pensioned as a widow of Maj. Aaron C. Shacklett who died July 28th, 1866, by reason of wound or injury received or disease contracted while serving as major in Company "K", 3rd Ky Cavalry, in the war of the Rebellion. That she was his lawful wife during the period of his service in said war, and that she remained his lawful wife to the date of his death. That her pension was paid by the United States pension agent at Cloverport, Kentucky and that the number of her pension certificate was 182463. That she never received any other pension from the United States nor made any other application for pension. That her pension was terminated because of her marriage to Mark Wedding. That said marriage took place May 15th, 1876, at Cloverport, Kentucky. That said husband died February 25th, 1894, at Cloverport, Kentucky. That she did not marry again after the death of the soldier except to Mark Wedding named above. That she is without other means of support than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per year. That her post office address is 1218 South Presa Street, San Antonio, County of Bexar, State of Texas." Signed [Sophronia E Wedding] Attest (1) [Margaret Dau] (2) [Mrs. Augusta Dau] "Also personally appeared Margaret Dau, residing at 1218 South Presa, San Antonio, Texas and Mrs. Augusta Dau, residing at San Antonio, Texas, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Sophronia E Wedding, the claimant, sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing declarations; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of seven years and seven years respectively; that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim." [Margaret Dau] [Mrs. Augusta Dau] Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of May, AD 1901. [J.B. Hannery], Notary Public, Bexar County, Texas. General Affidavit, State of Kentucky, County of Breckenridge In the matter of the claim wid cert # 182463 Aaron C Shacklett, Maj 3 Ky Cav. "On this 7 day of Sep 1901, personally appeared before me a notary public in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths M J Behen aged 45 years, a resident of Cloverport in the County of Breckenridge, and State of Kentucky whose Post Office address is Cloverport, Ky well known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn. declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:" - "That he has been a resident of Cloverport, Ky. about 25 years and that he was personally acquainted with Mark Wedding, second husband of Sophronia E Wedding and that such Mark Wedding died at Cloverport, Ky. on or about Feb. 1894". Pensioner Dropped, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, May 24, 1918. "Certificate No: 182463 Pensioner: Sophronia E. Wedding The Commissioner of Pensions. Sir: I have the honor to report that the names of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at $25, to Feb 4, 1918 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death Mch 1918."