Breckinridge County KyArchives News....."General News" January 28, 1925 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown January 28, 2006, 4:54 pm Breckinridge News; 1/28/1925 January 28, 1925 Mrs. A. Y. Ford is visiting her son, Mr. Emmett B. Ford, and Mrs. Ford, in New Orleans. She will later go to Duncan Springs, Miss., for the remainder of the winter. Mr. Ford has returned from New Orleans, where he spent the holidays with his son, says the Louisville Post. --------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Compton were among those on the reception committee at the Optimist Club's annual banquet held in the new building of the Slk's (I believe this is a typo and should be "Elks") Club in Louisville last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Compton are former residents of Hardinsburg. --------------------- WEDDINGS One of the first official duties that tell to Judge J. W. Burt, judge pro tem of Breckinridge county, was that of performing the nuptial rites. Judge Burt, invested with all the powers of an official, said two marriage ceremonies Monday, January 26 in his office at Hardinsburg. The couples united were: Martin Willoughby, 20 years old and Miss Pearl Sarver, 18 years old, both of the Falls of Rough. Forrest Wilhelm and Miss Mattie Hayse, also of Falls of Rough. Albie W. Smiley and Miss Nannie Arms, both of Mook, were married Saturday, January 24. The Rev. H. C. Fentress, of Hardinsburg, officiated. ---------------------- [Missing part of this article/notice] ---------------------- SEVEN TALLEST STRUCTURES The seven tallest office structures in New York are the Woolworth Building, 792 feet; Metropolitan Life Insurance Building, 700 feet; Singer Building, 612 feet; Municipal Building, 560 feet; Banker's Trust Building, 539 feet; City Investment Building, 487 feet, and Equitable Life Building, 467 feet. The Woolworth is the tallest on earth. ------------------- MOTORING IN FLORIDA Hardinsburg, Ja. 26 (Special)- T. J. Hook and Dr. D. S. Sphire left here Saturday for Louisville from which point they will start on a motor pleasure trip to Florida. They will be away several weeks. ------------------- LOCAL CHURCH NEWS The February meeting of the Y. W. A. will be held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Ferry. Additional Comments: This was a portion of one page I had copied at the Archives in Hardinsburg. File at: This file has been created by a form at