Breckinridge County KyArchives News.....General News June 24, 1925 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown January 28, 2006, 5:13 pm Breckinridge News; 6/24/1925 June 24, 1925 The Rev. Martin Rosengarten and Celestine Mattingly have returned from a week's stay in Carthage, O., and other points North. Mrs. and Mrs. pete Sheeran and son, Paul Sheeran, Flaherty, atended the funeral of Mr. H. A. Pate, Thursday. Edd Rhodes, of Owensboro, made a business trip here Tuesday. Robert Gutherie, of Fordsville, and nephew, Felix Petty, of Peoria, Ill., who have been the guests, of Mr. Gutherie's brother, Allan Gutherie, and son, Charles Allan Gutherie, have returned. Mrs. W. Basham, of Stephensport, was the guest of her son, Judge P. M. Basham, and Mrs. Basham, the week-end. ------------------------------ POULTRY CLUB TO MEET The Cloverport Poultry Club will have a called business meeting Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the community room. All members are urged to be present. Jane Jennings, President ------------------------------ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE All persons having claims against the estate of the late George W. Payne, deceased, are requested to present same, properly proven as required by law, and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the said Geo. W. Payne will please call and settle same. C. W. and Virginia Payne, Administrators. File at: This file has been created by a form at