Breckinridge County KyArchives News....."General News" May 14, 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown January 29, 2006, 2:40 pm Breckinridge News; 5/14/1919 May 14, 1919 Miss Laura Norris Claycomb and Miss Mayme Jordan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Claycomb. Miss Mayme Baumen of Louisville, who has been very sick with scarlet fever is at home for a short stay. Miss Edna McGavock spent Sunday with Miss Helen Lyddan. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGavock spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. P. -. Henderson. Mr. -. E. Carter of Irvington spent Saturday night with W. E. Compton. Miss Alta StClair spent several days of last week with her sister, Mrs. Henderson. Miss Mayme May harper spent Saturday night with Miss Emma Carman. Miss Genevieve Wright and Misses Anna and Sarah Cashman spent Sunday with Mattie Lee Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Carden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Had---. Misses Claudia and Phronia Woosley were in Garfield one day last week. Several from here attended the Jazz Band at Irvington. ------------------------ ----------------------- GARFIELD ----------- Vote for the 20 cent Road Tax. Misses Esther and Mary Eliza Milburn of Irvington, were week-end guests of their cousin, Mrs. T. S. Gray. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Algood who died Wednesday, was buried the following day in the Garfield cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Basham are guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marr. Jesse Bruington has resigned his position with B. F. Beard & Co. and is now at home. Mrs. Abram Compton and baby, visited friends and relatives in Indianapolis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alzo (faint type on first name spelling)Milan announce the arrival of a baby boy, May 6. Truman Meador, who died in California Friday week was brought here Sunday afternoon and buried Monday in the Freedom cemetery. The wife, four children, mother, father, several brothers and sisters survive. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. -- Rhodes and little daughter of Hardinsburg returned home Monday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- HILL ITEMS ------------ Vote for the 20 cent Road Tax There will be preaching at the Lucile (hard to read the name) Memorial next Sunday morning and evening by the Rev. T. N. Williams. Communion will be observed in the morning. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. John Blythe from off the Pike spent Monday night with Mrs. Blythe's sister, Miss Annie Allen. Mrs. Joe Carmen and children are visiting her brother, John Carmen and other relatives in the country near Harned. Mr. Vic Beavin went to Hardinsburg Friday afternoon for a short visit to friends. Mr. Frank Taberling was hurt while at work at the shops last week by the falling of a wheel. His injuries were not so serious as first reported and he will soon be able to resume work. Orpheus Armstrong after fifteen days furlough in Tobinsport with his mother and uncle, John McKinney returned Sunday morning to Camp Chillicothe, Ohio. Mr. Joe Ball went to McQuady last Saturday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roehu of Owensboro spent last Saturday nigth with Mrs. Julia Wood enroute to Tobinsport to visit relatives. Additional Comments: The listings come from two copied pages, but actually are one part of a full page in the newspaper. File at: This file has been created by a form at