Breckinridge-Hancock County KyArchives News.....Jesse Marlow accused of Bigamy January 9, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sherry Harris March 9, 2011, 2:07 am The Breckinridge News January 9, 1907 Mr. Jesse Marlow, a former citizen of Patesville, this county, is in jail at Vanburen, Arkansas, charged with bigamy and perjury. The latter charge, it is said, is in connection with having obtained the license for the alleged second marriage. Marlow left Hancock county about eighteen months ago, and went to Arkansas to work in timber with Mr. L. S. Powers, a former Hawesville citizen for the St. Louis Stave & Lumber Co. Before he left this county he was connected with the Cincinnati Cooperative Co. and is regarded as an excellent timber man. When he departed from Hancock county he left behind a wife at Patesville, who was a Miss Lamb before marriage, and he was never divorced from her, and now it is charged that he was later married to a Miss Smith at Chester, Arkansas. It seems that Mr. Marlow is addicted to the "dope" habit and some years ago he attended a place in Ohio which professes to cure such afflictions. Complications with one of the nurses at the institution, it is said, was a sufficient ground for his Patesville wife to proceed for a divorce, and she did so, with the result that a legal separation was granted her at the recent term of Hancock Circuit Court. However, the charge of a second marriage was made before this divorce was granted. Marlow we are informed, had returned to the Ohio sanitarium, and was there caught recently and returned to Arkansas where he is now in jail. The authorities at Vanburen are in communication with parties here, in order to procure proof of Marlow's first marriage which will be used in the prosecution of the case against him. In the meantime his friends are free to say that his mind was affected, and he is not wholly responsible at times for his conduct. Hancock Clarion. Additional Comments: He apparently was acquitted, as he married Mayme L. Woodson 6 Oct 1910 Campbell County, Tennessee. It is presumed he acquired a divorce from his first wife, Etta (Lamb) Marlow. File at: This file has been created by a form at