Breckinridge-Meade County KyArchives News....."Lodiburg" community news January 11, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown January 29, 2006, 3:37 pm Breckinridge News; 1/11/1911 January 11, 1911 LODIBURG ------------------ Messrs. Lon Gilpin and Hugh Philips and Miss Viola Argabright, of Brandenburg, were the guests of Miss Murrel Basham last Sataruday and Sunday. The sale at Dan Miller's last Saturday was largely attended and everything sold well. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will soon move to California to make their home. The social given by Miss Mamie Adkisson last Friday evening was quite a success. Those present were: Misses Pearl Mays, Blanche and Nannie Payne, Nina Hardin, Emersee Bandy, Ida Ater, Annie Lee Hardin, Nannie Gibson, Aimer/Almer (unable to read) Keys and Estell Deacon. Messrs. Davis and Allen Bandy, Sam Brown, Hu-tt Gibson, Jake Miller, Will Avitt, Wilbur Keys, Thad Mays, Bob Cashman and Clyde Gibson. All had an enjoyable time. Miss Viola Argabright, of Brandenburg, who has been the guest of friends and relatives in this neighborhood for the past week, returned home last Friday, accompanied by Miss Stacia Argabright. Joel jared died last Saturday morning and was buried Saturday afternoon in the Walnut Grove cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. F. C. Argabright. We were sorry, indeed, to ehar of the sudden death of Taylor Bell. He was a man whose friends were many. He was a good citizen and an obliging neighbor. We are glad to report that Fred Claycomb is able to be out again after a severe attact of typhoid fever. If the best is not too good for you Lewisport Best Flour is the flour you ought to use. File at: This file has been created by a form at