Breckinridge County KyArchives News....."Old Veterans Day" August 23, 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown February 2, 2006, 10:15 pm Breckinridge News; 8/23/1899 August 23, 1899 OLD VETERANS DAY An Ideal Gathering of Old Citizens At Freedom. THE YOUNGEST 63 YEARS OLD. Freedom Church, the Oldest Organization in the County. Last Thursday was old people's day out at Freedom. The announcement called out all of the old veterans of the cross in that locality and the day was an ideal one for such a meeting. The house was crowded by twelve o'clock and the audience was principally made up of the oldest men and women in the Freedom neighborhood. The morning service was conducted by Rev. Wash St. Clair. He made a short earnest address and then the meeting was turned over to the members. They took it in hand and each told his Christian experience in plain but touching language. The same character of meeting was carried on in the afternoon presided over by Dudley Haynes. Freedom church is one of the oldest protestant societies in the county it's first organization dating as far back as 1825. Then the country was very very sparcely settled, but there seemed to be enough families in the locality to organize a church. The first authentic record of the organization was made in 1834 under the authority of the Cumberland Presbyterians, but they evidently had a society there ten years prior to this. The have worshiped there successively every year since holding an annual meeting on the second Sunday in August regularly. From 1834 up to 1877, over seven hundred names appeared enrolled on the church book. mr. Will Dowell an officer in the church had this old record there last Thursday and the names of the older set who have long since passed away are familiar to many in the audience. Some of the names appearing on the list are as follows: Wm. McCoy, Joseph St. Clair, Joel Jarred, Little Berry Dowell, Israel Jarred, Warden Clemmons, Susan Hall, Sarah Jarred, and Clarissa Hall. These have been followed by their children and children's children, until today the church is strong and in a prosperous state. The following pioneer citizens were in attendance: Dudley Haynes, Sr., born near Freedom, Dec. 27, 1836. He has lived in that section all of his life. he has married twice, twelve children born, seven are living and five dead. Mr. Haynes has been a faithful member of the Freedom church for thirty-two years and an elder for twenty five years. Daniel Haynes who has ever symptom of a prolonged life should he live until next April, he will be 72. He was born within one mile of the church. Has resided in the neighborhood all his life. He is a member of the Pleasant Grove church. He married Miss Emily Chaudouin in 1851, eight children were born, five living and three dead. his wife died in July '92. Mr. Haynes is a well to do farmer and is in good financial circumstances. Hardin Haynes, 63 years old. He was born near the church and has been a resident in the meighborhood all his life. He was married to Miss Sallie Norton forty-three years ao. To their union they were blessed with one child. Mrs. Haynes is stil loving at the ripe old age of 60. James Kennedy was born near the church in the yaer 1816. He is now 83 and apparently every sign of a prolonged life is noticeable. He has lived in this locality from boyhood days. In the year 1825, he was married to Miss Polly McCoy, twelve children were born to them, nine are living. Mrs. Kennedy had the misfortune in some manner to loose her eye sight and has been totally blind for six years. Thomas Simmons an old pioneer of the Virginia state, Franklin county, will be next April 71 years old. He moved to Freedom in 1860 and has resided in the nieghborhood ever since. He married Miss Nancy Allen, daughter of Mr. James Allen in 1863. They were blessed with four handsome children and only one still survives them, James Silas. He is not a member of any church and is a good substantial farmer and citizen of that section. File at: This file has been created by a form at