Breckinridge-Ohio-Hancock County KyArchives News.....ONE HUNDRED ATTEND PARTY March 7, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell October 22, 2017, 12:07 am Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, March 16, 1904 March 7, 1904 Page 7, Column 1 On Monday, March 7, 1904, the relatives and friends of Mrs. Rebecca HEDDEN, widow of the late Newton HEDDEN, gave her a birthday dinner at her home near Hopewell Baptist Church on the Breckinridge and Ohio County line, she being on that day, 92 years old, as the News stated on a former occasion, Mrs. HEDDEN was born in the WHITTINGHILL homestead, now Jones Station, March 7, 1812, and was the second daughter of John and Elizabeth WHITTINGHILL. Her father was of a patriotic Virginian family during the dark days of the American Revolution, and settled the farm at Jones Station October 15, 1807, and his son, Peter T. WHITTINGHILL is said to be the second or third child born in Ohio County. Mrs. HEDDEN'S mother was a sister of the late Joseph H. COOPER, of the Rockvale community in Breckinridge County, and the late William COOPER, of near Cloverport. Mrs. HEDDEN was born in Chester District on the Catawba River in South Carolina, and was a schoolmate of General Andrew JACKSON at the Wastraws. Newton HEDDEN'S father was a Captain in Governor Isaac SHELBY'S Kentucky troops in General W. H. HARRISON'S Northwestern Army, and a member of the Viriginia family of THOMAS'S of WASHINGTON'S Artillery. About one hundred persons participated in the celebration, and sat down to the beautiful dinner (she said she would never live to see another birthday). Prominent among the persons present was four of her nephews: Judge James H. HOWARD of Fordsville, Ky (Ohio County) David N. HOWARD of Rockvale, Ky (Breckinridge County) James H. WHITTINGHILL of near Mitchell's Station, in Ohio County. James B. HOWARD, a contractor and mine owner of Eagle City, Alaska The latter being on a visit to his Kentucky relatives and friends, who sat by the side of Mrs. HEDDEN at the table, and aided in waiting on, and in otherwise entertaining her. Additional Comments: Eagle City, called Eagle, Alaska now, lies on the south bank of the Yukon River near the United States and Canadian border. The population in the 2010 census was 86 people, the southeast Fairbanks census area in Alaska. Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at