Breckinridge County KyArchives News.....Pea Ridge, Ky April 20, 2022 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown April 23, 2022, 12:54 pm The Herald News Newpaper April 20, 2022 PEA RIDGE, KENTUCKY BY LESLIE GALLOWAY HAYCRAFT THE HERALD NEWS NEWSPAPER 4/20/2022 EDITION Some of you may know a dear woman named Lovera Lynch Preston. She worked at Breckinridge Memorial for years and used to be in The Preston Family gospel singers. Well, I knew Lovera but had not seen her in years, so it was very nice to hear from her when I received a surprise phone call. She said she had been reading and enjoying my history articles and asked for a favor. Then she told me a story (you know how I love stories). Lovera is 90 years old now and said that when she was in high school, she wrote for The Irvington Herald. Each week she wrote the events of her area, Pea Ridge, and mailed them to then owner of the paper, George Wilson. She asked me if I ever came across any of the old newspapers with Pea Ridge mentioned in them. I had to admit that I had not even heard of Pea Ridge until she explained that it was one mile east of Custer on Hwy. 86. I promised her that I would look in 1947 newspapers for her articles about Pea Ridge. Lovera wanted to see some of them to reminisce about her past and show them to her daughters. A couple of weeks passed and I didn’t find anything during my normal trips to the Breckinridge County Archives. This week I had an assignment from work to look something up on the microfiche from newspapers that were The Irvington Herald from 1922 and 1947. Lo and behold as I was scanning I had to roll backwards as I saw that name, Pea Ridge! Lovera’s name was even in the article. Pea Ridge was a small community with a church founded by one of Lovera’s relatives. The church was built in 1947 with a donation of land after years of tent services and open air Sunday School. Lovera said there was also a school and asked me to keep watch for photos of that as well. Pea Ridge School is no longer standing but the church, Custer Church of God, is still open and active. Pea Ridge is one example of so many little communities in Breckinridge County that are remembered by those like Lovera but not known at all by others. I want to save those stories and make you wonder about Pea Ridge every time you drive by it on Hwy. 86. If you drive by the Custer Church of God, you are in Pea Ridge, Ky. I have retyped the happenings of Pea Ridge that Lovera submitted to Mr. George Wilson for life in Pea Ridge during 1947. I hope you enjoy. This is for you Lovera! Pea Ridge April 1947 Mrs. Cora Ritchie spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Veo Lynch, who is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch. Miss Yvetta Lynch spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch and son are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch and family. Mrs. Flora Spradlin called on R. T. Lynch Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wavie Tucker called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Spradlin Sunday. Zelona Lockard of Illinois, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch and family. Mrs. Ward, of Oklahoma, spent Wednesday night with Mrs. R. T. Lynch and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Skaggs spent one day this week with her mother, Mrs. Dora Whitworth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allgood, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Basham and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch and son, Mrs. Dora Whitworth, Yvetta Lynch and Zelona Locard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch. Afternoon callers were: Mrs. Ginger Bandy, Mrs. Maggie Chappell and daughter, Mrs. Amy Basham and daughter. Mrs. Lovera Lynch, Dale Lynch and Junior C. Preston called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch and son of Duncan’s Valley. Mrs. Flora Spradlin and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lynch spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch and family. Additional Comments: Copied from original article, with permission from Leslie Galloway Haycraft (reporter) and the Herald News newspaper. File at: This file has been created by a form at