Breckinridge-Hardin County KyArchives News.....Rev. Simeon Bramlette Visits Here October 26, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell October 30, 2017, 10:04 pm Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, October 26, 1904 October 26, 1904 Page , Column 5 PICKED UP ALONG THE WAY The Reverend S. (Simeon) BRAMLETTE of Mineral, Kansas, is visiting his brother, Mr. J.K. BRAMLETTE at Irvington (Breckinridge County). Mr. BRAMLETTE is 75 years years old, but he don't look to be over 50. He is hale and hearty, and as lively as a cricket. He moved away from here 25 years ago, and when a boy, he used to go to Hardin's Mill with his turn of corn, and to old man Phil LIGHTFOOT'S Tannery near Hardinsburg to get leather to make his shoes. He says he went to school with Judge Milton BOARD. He attributes his long years and good health to steady habits and hard work. I have never been an idle man, and I am a hard worker when at home. Additional Comments: Information from my own ALLGOOD family research: The Reverend Simeon BRAMLETTE was born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, and he married Susan Melvina PRESTON, who went by Melvina. She was born in Hardin County, Kentucky. Simeon and Melvina had a daughter, Ollie BRAMLETTE, born about 1879 in Breckinridge County, Kentucky. Ollie married on May 10, 1903 at the home of Euphrates BOARD in Breckinridge County to Oather Louis PHIPPS who was born February 21, 1882 and died March 21, 1970. Oather Louis PHIPPS and his second wife, Blanche DOWELL are buried in Breckinridge County in Custer Cemetery. Ollie BRAMLETTE PHIPPS died in 1906, and her burial is unknown. I presume around Custer, Ky. Oather and Ollie had one child, James Edward PHIPPS born in Breckinridge County on March 8, 1904. I have a copy of Ollie Bramlettes' marriage record to Oather PHIPPS. This is where I found the birth places for her parents, Simeon BRAMLETTE and Susan Melvina PRESTON. Also, I was in contact with someone who is a descendant of the BRAMLETTE and PHIPPS line, and we shared family information. Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at