Breckinridge County KyArchives News....."Want Ad's" May 7, 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown January 29, 2006, 2:10 pm Breckinridge News; 5/7/1924 May 7, 1924 WANT ADS FOR SALE- High class saddle Horse. price $150. M. D. Beard, Hardinsburg, Ky. 46-14-tf FOR RENT- Two rooms, upstairs. Mrs. Larkin Gibson, Cloverport, Ky. 46-11-tf FOR SALE- Buggy and Harness. See Silas Miller, Cloverport, Ky. 10-45-tf FOR SALE- Oak center. table - Mrs. O. T. Odewalt, Cloverport, Ky. 4-45-tf FOR SALE- Second hand Ford cars, good condition. Come quick before they are all sold. Mattingly Brothers, Hardinsburg, Ky. 45-20-2t FOR SALE- Hickory King seed corn. Price $1.75 per bushel. F. O. B. Glen Dean, Ky. R. T. Kinchelow, Glen Dean, Ky. 45-23-2t FOR SALE- Rag Rug 9x12. 2. one and one-half rugs to match, price. $11.25. Mrs. H. B. Moorman, R. 1. Box 61 Harned, Ky. 43-27-tf FOR SALE- Turkey eggs, $3.50 per setting of 12. Post paid. Mrs. H. B. Moorman, R. 1. Box 61, Harned, Ly. 43-22-tf FORDSON TRACTOR FOR SALE- One Fordson tractor, with disc complete with one steel drum, pulley and belt. Will sell for $425. cash or food notes, or will trade for young stock. Wm. Glasscock, Glen Dean, Ky. 42-37-tf FOR SALE- Full Stock Black Landshans eggs, $1, per setting of 16 picked eggs. Mrs. A. C. Basham, Mystic, Ky. 42-20-5t FOR SALE- White Holland turkey eggs, -5 cents each. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, McQuady, Ky. 42-15-tf FOR SALE- One pair of heavy all around work mules. For further information and particulars. See John Lively on H. L. Bruner's famr, near Frymire, Ky. 38-26-w-tf FOR SALE- 12 Jersey cows and heifers, --- and to freshen soon. J. M. Howard. Glen Dean, Ky. 38-18-12t WANTED $50.00 to $100.00 WEEKLY WANTED- Salesman with ability for Branch Manager in this territory. prefer married man who has done house to hosue selling. live, wwide awake, willing to work, able to handle men. Permanent postion. Drawing account, commission. Write references, experience to Mr. David Davies, Box 986, Pittsburg, Pa. 46- 51-2t WANTED- To by Surgartree, Ash and Walnut. Will either buy the logs or --- timber. Call or write. J. M. Rhodes, Webster, Ky. 29-23-tf File at: This file has been created by a form at