Breckinridge-Hancock-Hardin County KyArchives Obituaries.....ADAIR, David Lafayette April 19, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell October 24, 2017, 6:30 pm Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, April 20, 1904 OBITUARY Page 1, Column 4 Gen. D. L. ADAIR DEAD General D. L. ADAIR, a veteran of the Mexican War, and one of the best known men of this section of the state, died suddenly of heart failure at 9:00 a.m. yesterday, April 19, 1904, at Hawesville, Ky (Hancock County). He was about 75 years of age. He is survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters. His children are: Ike C. ADAIR of Fordsville, Ky (Ohio County) John S. ADAIR of Stephensport, Ky (Breckinridge County) William ADAIR of Texas Mrs. Mary WHITWORTH of Hawesville, Ky Miss Ellen ADAIR of Hawesville, Ky Miss Dood ADAIR of Hawesville, Ky His sons are all prominent and well-known business men. Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Page 6, Column 3 SKETCH OF GENERAL ADAIR (taken from the Hancock Clarion Newspaper) The announcement of the death of General ADAIR which was made Tuesday morning, came as one of the greatest surprises and shocks the community ever sustained. The end came suddenly. He was at the pump securing water, when he was stricken with vertigo, resulting from stomach trouble, it is thought. Physicians were called, but he passed away in about an hour. The funeral occurred Wednesday, April 20, 1904, from his residence, and burial was in the Hawesville Cemetery, the service being conducted By the Reverend E. R. BENNETT, and T. H. SMITH, of the Public Schools, which closed that afternoon. The active PALLBEARERS were chosen from the Attorney's and Court Officers with whom he had been thrown all his life, and the funeral was one of the largest ever seen here. David Lafayette ADAIR was born in Elizabethtown, Ky in Hardin County in 1824, therefore was nearly 80 years old. At the age of 14, he came to Hancock County, and has resided here practically ever since. He served all through the War with Mexico in 1847-1848, and there gained his title of General. In 1850 he was married to Miss Sarah A., the daughter of William STERRETT. Besides his wife, there is left to survive him the following children: William S. ADAIR, a prominent newspaper man of Ft. Worth, Texas John S. ADAIR, Cashier of the Bank of Stephensport, Ky., and former Judge of Hancock County, Ky. Ike C. ADAIR, Cashier of the Bank f Fordsville, Ky & Capitalist Mrs. Mary WHITWORTH and the Misses ELiza (?Ellen) and Dood ADAIR, all of whom are at home, and the latter being Postmistress of Hawesville. Anything an adequate presentation of the life and character of General Adair in the space of this short newspaper article, would be out of the question. In brief, he was a kindly, generous-hearted person, who, probably was never appreciated, at his true worth. We never remember to have met and conversed with a man of such general information and deep learning as he. He was a master of the sciences. He was a lawyer, jurist, naturalist, mineralogist, teacher in the deep sense, student thinker, horticulturist, journalist, civil engineer, and soldier. He often filled posts of honor in Hancock County, but nearly always by appointment. He was not a success as a candidate, since the wiles of the demagogue, and such conduct as was necessary to bring success was entirely foreign to his manly makeup. In fact, practical politics was disgusting to him, although he was broad and deep in his views on public questions. We do not expect to see another like him in our time. May his soul rest in peace. Additional Comments: File at: This file has been created by a form at