Breckinridge County KyArchives Obituaries.....Cummings, John P. April 1865 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Brown October 31, 2020, 10:13 am Breckinridge Herald News; October 18, 1908 FUND TO ERECT A MONUMENT To Capt. J. P. Cummings to be Raised by Member of His Command The members of company A of the Green River Battalion have set on foot a movement to raise a fund to pay for a monument to be erected over the grave of J. P. Cummings, captain of said company A and also of company L of the Third Kentucky Cavalry. Captain Cummings was killed in action in April, 1865, two miles south of Big Spring, on the Singleton Casey farm, and was buried in what is known as the Burdett graveyard, about three and one half miles south of the Hardinsburg and Cloverport pike. His grave is unmarked and will remain so unless this fund is raised by the soldier boys who fought under him. A small subscription is solicited from the public to help to raise the required amount. The following has been appointed a committee to solicit and receive contributions: Charles Sipes, Garfield; S. E. Waggoner, Cloverport; Judge Wm Ahl, Dr. A. M. Kincheloe, M. L. Kincheloe, Hardinsburg. Dr. A. M. Kincheloe is treasurer and contributions can be paid to any member of the committee or to the treasure. File at: This file has been created by a form at