Breckinridge County KyArchives Obituaries.....HARRINGTON, Anthony W. September 20, 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell January 22, 2020, 11:40 pm Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., October 15, 1890 OBITUARY Resolutions Adopted by the Custer Lodge F. & A. M., on the Death of A. W. Harrington At a regular meeting of Custer Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 624, held October 4, 1890, the following resolutions were passed in regard to the death of our worthy brother and treasurer, A. W. HARRINGTON. Born January 24, 1830, died September 20, 1890, aged 60 years. Whereas, It has pleased our all-wise and omnipotent Creator, who doeth all things well, to remove from our midst our worthy brother, A. W. HARRINGTON. He was faithful and devoted Christian, being a member of the M. E. (Methodist Episcopal) Church South, and steward of the same, as well as a most worthy Mason, and proved his zest for both institutions by his frequent and bountiful donations to each. And whereas, we feel his absence and mourn his departure, may our loss be his gain; and may we all, like our worthy deceased brother, ever be ready to bow in humble submission to Him who rules and reigns, Therefore, be it: Resolved, That in his death, this lodge loses one of its most faithful and zealous members, and Masons at large, a substantial pillar. Resolved, That we extend to the widow and relatives of our deceased brother, our heartfelt sympathy. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the secretary's books of this lodge, a copy be furnished the widow, and the same be sent to the Breckinridge News for publication. M. MEYER George HARNED ----- Com (?Commanders?) Dr. J. W. MEADOR Dana Brown & Peggy Russell Additional Comments: #0146 Good Hope Cemetery, located on Highway 1401, one mile from Custer, in Breckinridge County, Ky. HARRINGTON, Anthony W. 24 Jan 1830 -- 20 Sep 1890 husband of Sidney E. _________. (age 28 in 1870 & age 38 in 1880 Breckinridge County, Ky census. Sidney was still living in September 1890) son of John Harrington & Mary ________. have his Death Notice by his Masonic Brothers census records of 1850 Hardin County, Ky for Anthony & his parents' names he has a single tombstone I cannot find his wife's death record Dana Brown & Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at