Breckinridge County KyArchives Obituaries.....HOLMES, Walton August 19, 1961 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell October 5, 2017, 11:29 pm Breckinridge County Herald-News, Friday, August 25, 1961 OBITUARY Walton "Hooter" HOLMES, age 59 of Cloverport, Ky (Breckinridge County), died at Breckinridge Memorial Hospital in Hardinsburg, Ky on Saturday, August 19, 1961, after a long illness. Funeral services were held on Sunday, August 20, 1961 from the Dhonau Funeral Home in Cloverport, and burial was in the Cloverport Cemetery. PALLBEARERS: Jerry CARVER Alex HARRINGTON Dan HENDRICK Albert HORSLEY (NOTE: There were no survivors listed in Walton's obituary.) Additional Comments: I did not find a tombstone for Mr. Walton HOLMES in the Breckinridge County Cemeteries, volume one, published in 1991. I also checked for him in volume 2 of the Breckinridge County Cemetery book, published in 1997. He was not listed. Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at