Breckinridge County KyArchives Obituaries.....HOOK, Sarah A. ALDRIDGE April 23, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell September 9, 2017, 1:17 am Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Page 4, Columns 4 & 5 DEATH COMES TO MRS. S.A. HOOK (a large picture of her) Hardinsburg, Ky. April 26, 1904 (Special) Mrs. Sarah A. HOOK, widow of the late George HOOK, and mother of the present County Court Clerk, William F. HOOK, died at her home at this place last Friday night, April 23, 1904. Her fatal illness was of about 3 weeks duration. She suffered much, but bore it all with Christian fortitude and resignation. The funeral was conducted from the Methodist Episcopal Church South on the following day. The Reverend W.F. HOGARD officiated at the services. A large number of the relatives and friends were present. Mrs. HOOK was a life long member of the Presbyterian Church, and a devoted Christian woman. She was possessed of a strong character, and exerted a wide influence throughout the community in which she lived. More may not be said of anyone. Besides her children, Mrs. HOOK leaves many relatives who sincerely mourn her loss, but not as those without hope. Such a life is an inspiration to all, and its influence will be felt for years yet to come. Page 8, Column 2 IRVINGTON NEWS ITEM: Mr. BLYTHE and family went to Hardinsburg Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. BLYTHE'S mother, Mrs. HOOK. Additional Comments: Breckinridge County Cemeteries, volume one, published in 1991: Old Ivy Hill Cemetery #2, Hardinsburg, Ky. HOOK, George Oct 2 1826 -- Jan 23 1900 husband of Sarah A. Sarah A. Apr 9 1837 -- Apr 23 1904 #2 wife of George nee: ALDRIDGE Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at