Breckinridge County KyArchives Obituaries.....MILLER, James July 6, 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell July 22, 2020, 12:20 pm Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., August 28, 1889 (1) Newspaper articles pertaining to the trial of former Judge Alanson Madison "Matt" (A. M.) PULLIAM, for murdering James MILLER in July 1888. A. M. PULLIAM Ex-County Judge of Breckenridge on Trial for his Life at Brandenburg For the Murder of Jas Miller at Hardinsburg July 6, 1888 THE COURT HOUSE PACKED WITH PEOPLE FOR SEVEN DAYS EAGER TO HEAR EVIDENCE AND THE FATE OF THE SLAYER. No New Facts Developed By The Defence. JUDGE McBEATH'S INSTRUCTIONS TO THE JURY The Arguments All Made and The Jury Took The Case at 11 o'clock Yesterday, JUST ONE WEEK FROM THE DAY IT WAS CALLED Everybody Glad It Is Over. (Special to the News) Brandenburg, Aug 27, --- The argument in the PULLIAM case was concluded at 11 o'clock to-day. Chapeze WATHEN made the closing speech and it was the best he ever made. The jury have had the case all day and up to 5 o'clock the hour of adjournment, had rendered no verdict. The judge held them over until 8 o'clock to-morrow. The case of the Commonwealth of Kentucky against A. M. PULLIAM, for the killing of James MILLER in Hardinsburg, on July the 6th. 1888, was called for trial in the Meade County Circuit Court at Brandenbueg, on Tuesday of last week. The crowd present each day was very large owing to the enormity of the offence and the prominence it had occupied in the minds of the people of this section of the state since its occurrance. The court room was packed with people when the defendant Judge PULLIAM entered and took his seat in the bar. Mr. PULLIAM looked a little pale from his long confinement in jail, but otherwise there was no change in his appearance. He was dressed in a neat blue flannel suit, and seemed to be prepared to confront the great ordeal that was before him. He was accompied by his two daughters, Misses Sallie and Annie, who have been staying in Louisville for several months past. Surrounded by his attorneys and a few personal friends, the groupe was a center of attraction from all eyes in the crowded court room. Promptly at 1 o'clock, Judge McBEATH called the case for trial. The Commonwealth was represented by Hon. Chapeze WATHEN, District Attorney, assisted by Judge Milton BOARD, Judge N. Mc. MERCER, and Hon. David R. MURRAY, and County Attorney TRENT of Meade. The defendant was represented by Mr. David W. FAIRLEIGH and Gen. Alpheus BAKER of Louisville, Hon. W. R. HAYNES of Leitchfield; Mr. H. T. WILSON of Elizabethtown, Mr. James G. HASWELL and Morris ESKRIDGE of Hardinsburg. This being one of the most noted and sensational murder cases that has occurred in this part of the state for many years, it attracted many people from all the adjoining counties, and they were anxious to hear it tried out. While it had been confidently predicted that the trial would come off, and all of the circumstances of the case this time be given in full to the public there were some misgivings that a hitch would occur some where, and the case again go over. Sure enough when Judge McBEATH called the case for trial there were several witnesses who did not answer. Additional Comments: #0242 Miller Cemetery #3, located off Highway 992, near west Hardinsburg, in Breckinridge County, Ky. MILLER, James 13 Nov 1831 -- 06 Jul 1888 UNKNOWN IF HE EVER MARRIED son of Matthias MILLER, Sr. & Isabel HOWARD have articles from the trial for the man who murdered James MILLER he has a tombstone HIS PARENTS ARE ALSO HERE: MILLER, Matthias, Sr. 11 Jan 1790 -- 12 Oct 1876 husband of Isabel HOWARD parents unknown he has a tombstone MILLER, Isabel 1801 -- 28 Apr 1862 wife of Matthias MILLER, Sr. parents unknown she has a tombstone Dana Brown & Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at