Breckinridge County KyArchives Wills.....WALTER, Frederick April 2, 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Russell November 4, 2017, 12:59 am Source: Breckinridge News, Cloverport, Ky., Wednesday, September 28, 1904 Written: April 2, 1883 Recorded: September 26, 1904 WILL MADE PUBLIC Page 1, Column 6 THE WILL OF THE LATE FREDERICK WALTER, WHO DIED AUGUST 25 (1904) -- PROBATED MONDAY -- The Will of Frederick WALTER, of this city, who died August 25, 1904, was probated in the County Court in Hardinsburg Monday -- The Will is dated April 2, 1883. TO THE METHODIST CHURCH of this city is left $1,000. Only the interest on this amount to be used, beginning two years after death of the deceased TO MRS. ELIZA HOLT, the house and lot where she lived is bequeathed with exception of piano, also $6,000, only interest to be paid her. The above goes to her children at death, if without children, to Mrs. Charles MAY, Sr. As Mrs. HOLT is dead, and died childless, this part of the estate reverts to Mrs. MAY ELIZABETH SAURS is given $4,000 by the Will, which is held in trust, the interest only to be paid her. At the death, the whole amount goes to her child. MATTIE SAURS is provided for by $2,500 CHARLES SAURS is given $2,000, interest on same to be paid him until he is 30 years of age FOR JOHN SAURS $2,500 is is held in trust, the interest to be paid him annually, and at his death it is to go to Mattie SAURS TO LOUISE SAURS is bequeathed $2,000 with the same provisions THE BALANCE OF THE ESTATE GOES TO MRS. CHARLES MAY, SR., sister of the deceased. At her death, it is to be divided among her three sons, Charles, Walter, and David, if all have attained the age of 25. If her two daughters, Eva and Eliza marry they are to receive equal portions of the estate. W. G. SMART and A.B. SKILLMAN are appointed as executors. The latter qualified as executor Monday. Additional Comments: See the Obituary of Frederick WALTER to be found here on the Obituaries/Death Notices site, that I also posted today, November 3, 2017. Peggy Russell File at: This file has been created by a form at