CEMETERY: Martin Hill Cemetery, Bullitt County, KY ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net Transcribed by: Donna Hall BobnDonnaKy@aol.com Donated : 15 March 2000 *********************************************************************** This Cemetery is located on Martin Lane off Hwy 44 West. Martin Lane is next to the new Nichols Fire Department. You can see the cemetery from Hwy 44 West if you look off to the right just after Martin's Hill Road (State Hwy 1417) Mary E. BARRALL born Nov 3, 1867 died June 14, 1871 "Suffer little Chidren to come unto me and Forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven" Joseph A. son of CH and RJ BARRALL born June 6, 1865 died Feb 17, 1870 aged 4 years, 11 mo, 8 days "Suffer little Chidren to come unto me and Forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven" Ravia J. wife of CH BARRALL born Feb 27, 1830 died Dec 19, 1876 "Our Darling Little Alden" son of S & E BROOKS grandson of JA & E BARRALL Nov 5, 1883 April 4, 1890 Ann B. wife of Samuel S. CRALLE born April 6, 1834 died Jan 15, 1879 Samuel Strawn CRALLE born Feb 7, 1822 died Nov 6, 1883 Thomas J. HILL 1926 1981 RM 3 US NAVY World War 2 T. J. MARTIN, Jr. Born Feb. 25, 1841 Died July 11, 1874 Thomas J. MARTIN Born Sept 15, 1801 Died Feb 15, 1872 Eliza MARTIN wife of Thos. MARTIN Born July 6, 1806 Died Aug 11, 1886 John Logan son of CC and BH MARTIN Feb 25, 1883 Feb 27, 1883 Richard Elrod son of CC and BH MARTIN born Nov 22, 1887 died July 6, 1889 George B. son of WHH & SA MARTIN born Oct 16, 1866 died Dec 23, 1866 "Suffer little Chidren to come unto me and Forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven" Susan wife of MH OWAN born Dec 5, 1827 died Apr 4, 1856 Mary Katherine daut of MC & LM WIERD 1907 1913 WEIRD Louisa Martin 1877 1943 "mother" Milton C. 1869 1955 "father" the following is on the same stone: Venora Aug 3, 1897 ---------------- George Melvin Jan 17, 1910 Children of MC & LM WEIRD WEIRD Louis May 13, 1899 Feb 15, 1969 Ella E. April 30, 1904 Jan 1, 1981 Hank WEIRD born Dec 31, 1965 died May 24, 1972 "Daughter" Mildred Lee WEIRD Sept 10, 1928 Feb 23, 1931 Minerva wife of Wm YOUNG born Feb 15, 1850 died Mar 19, 1869 There are 8 unreadable/field stones.