CENSUS: 1916 Religious Census of Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., KY ***************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Commercial entities must ask for and receive permission from submitter before downloading. Contributed by Donna bobndonnaky@alltel.net Date: 25 Sept 2000 **************************************************************************** NEWSPAPER/The Pioneer News, Friday, July 21, 1916 Transcribed and contributed by Donna Hall, Mt. Washington, KY bobndonnaky@alltel.net Religious Census "I wish to present the following figures concerning the census of Shepherdsville which I have recently completed. The census includes the white population of Shepherdsville and Salt River: White population, 504, number of church members 272, children 12 years of age and under 125, church members among those who are above 12 years of age 72 percent. Church Members: Baptist 122, Methodist, 68, Catholic, 33, Disciples, 25, Presbyterian, 17, Lutheran, 6, Episcopalian, 1. Church preference among those who are not members of any church, including the children: Baptist 131, Methodist, 42, Disciples, 20, Catholic, 5, Presbyterian, 5, Lutheran, 4, no preference, 25. Church preference of children 12 years of age and under: Baptist 80, Methodist, 19, Disciples 11, Presbyterian, 0, Lutheran, 3, no preference 8. Percentage of population: Baptist 50 1/2 %, Methodist 22%, Disciples 9%, Catholics 7 1/2 %, Presbyterian 4 1/2 %, Lutheran 2%, no preference, 5%. "