DEED: Perry GILMORE heirs to Sam JAMES, 1889, Bullitt Co. ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Commercial entities must ask for and receive permission from submitter before downloading. Transcribed by: Melody Tittle ( Submitted: 6 May 2003 ********************************************************************** Whereas, in the action of Perry GILMORE'S heirs and petitions then pending in the Bullitt County Court for the partition of the real estate of Perry GILMORE deceased an order was entered at the May Term 1889 directing Casper HERPS, B.H. LANDERS(?) and Samuel B. WILLIAMS as Commissioners of said Court, to make division and allotment of said real estate between the parties to said action, and the said real estate was divided in accordance with said order, and said Commissioners having made their report of division at the June Term 1889 of the said Court their said report was at the July Term 1889, by a further ordr of said Court approved and confirmed, and on the 9th day of September 1889, the said Court appointed the undersigned E.W. Hall a Special Commissioner to make Deeds of partition, conveying to each party the land and property allotted to them in severalty(?). Now, Therefore, this Indenture, made and entered into this 9th day of September 1889, between Ida BRAITHWAITE and R.H. BRAITHWAITE her husband, Julia GILMORE, Lillian GILMORE and Joseph GILMORE by E.W. HALL Commissioner aforesaid of the first part, and Sam GILMORE now Sam JAMES of the second part. Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of premises(?) and in obediance to said order, the parties of the first part by E.W. HALL Commissioner aforesaid have sold and do hereby convey to said party of the second part and her heirs and assigns forever, the Lot No. 1 described as follows: viz: A tract of land in Bullitt County Kentucky and includes the improvements, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the bank of Cedar Creek corner to Lot No. 2, and with the same N80 W102 poles to a stake division corner to lots 2,4, &5. Thence with Lot 5 S2 W19 3/4 poles to a stake on the south edge of a road, thence S79 3/4 E13 1/2 poles to a stake, thence S6 1/4 W79 3/4 poles to a stake near a large ash in a line of Wm. CLAN's and wife's land and with the same S53 1/4 for 55 E25 poles to two sugar tree stumps and _______ _______(?) corner to said stake on the bank of Cedar Creek. Thence up the creek with its meanders to the beginning containing 48 acres more or less. For passway see Commissioners Surveyors report. To Have and to hold the same with the appurtenances with the party of the second part her heirs and assigns forever, and the said party of the first part by the commissioner aforesaid do hereby convenant with the party of the second part that she will warrant and defend the title of the land and premises hereby conveyed. Witness my hand this 9th day of September 1889. E.W. HALL, Special Commissioner Bullitt County Court Examind and approved in open court this 9th day of September 1889. H. PHELPS Judge B.C.C. State of Kentucky Bullitt County SCT I, E.W. HALL clerk of the County Court for the County and State aforesaid, do certify that the foregoing deed from Perry GILMORES hrs by E.W. HALL Special Commissioner to Sam JAMES was on the 9th day of September 1889 presented in open court and was acknowledged by the said E.W. HALL Special commissioner party thereto to be his act and deed and lodged for record and the said Deed having been examined by the Court was approved and confirmed, and so endorsed by the Judge. Whereupon the same, together with the certificate of the Judge and this certificate have been duly admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand, this 11th day of September 1889 E.W. HALL Clerk By E.H. THOMPSON D.C.