PENSION: Famariah Hughes Cardwell & husband Wm. Cardwell, 1820, Bullitt Co., KY ********************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 19:52:14 EDT From: ********************************************************************** From - "Abstracts of Pension Papers of Pensioners Residing in Bullitt County in the State of Kentucky" compiled by Lucy Kate McGhee. The paper is quite aged, as is the binder it was in, and it was typed, not word processed. There is no copyright date or information on the papers CARDWELL, William and Famariah HUGHES Continiental Virginia 8590 On August 20 of the year 1819 in Bullitt County in the state of Kentucky at the age of 59 years, the said pensioner appeared in open court and state that in the month of September of the year 1788 (Note: I question this date) he had enlisted to service for a tour of eighteen months under the command of Captain Campbell CRANE and in the regiment under the command of Colonel CAMPBELL at Spottsylvania near Fredericksburg in the state of Virginia. He then in the month of June of the year 1781enlisted enlisted to serve in the cavalry at Pedea in the state of South Carolina to serve in the dragoons under the command of Captain Ambrose GORDON under the command of Colonel George BAYLOR and and Lt. Col. William WASHINGTON. The said pensioner was then honorably discharged in the month of June or July of the year 1783 by Captain Robert MONON by the order of General Daniel MORGAN at Cannington about three miles from Winchester in the state of Virginia. The affidavit of Charles NEAL was also given at the same time and the same place as the foregoing. The said deponent stated and swore that the said pensioner had really served as he had stated and the the deponenet further stated that he had both served and been discharged at the same time as the said pensioner himself. The affidavit of John JACOBS was also given at the same time and in the same place as the foregoing. the said deponent stated and swore that the pensioner had really served as he had stated during the War of the Revolution on the side of the United States of America. On September 25 of the year 1820 in Bullitt County in the state of Kentucky at the age of 61 years, the said pensioner appeared in open court and stated that he had been honorably discharged at Kerns Town in the month of July in the year 1783 and that his pension had been numbered 15178 and that he had applied for it in the month of April of the year 1818. He was a farmer by occupation and his wife was at the age of 61 years and his property was worth only $88.25. On September 19 of the year 1829 in Scott County in the state of Kentucky, the affidavit of John JACOBS was given. The said deponenet stated that he had been a sereant in the Third Regiment of the Light Dragoons at the time in which the said pensioner had been in the service of his country. On October 21 oof the year 1833 in Bullitt County in the state of Kentucky, the affidavit of John STORY was given. The said deponenet sated and swore that the pensioner had really served as he had stated and also swore that he had acted in the capacity of a sergeant for a period of two years. This affidavit was not given in Bullitt county as before stated but in Anderson County in the state of Kentucky. On March 11 of the year 1839 in Bullitt County in the state of Kentucky at the age of 81 years, Famariah CARDWELL appeared in open court and stated that they had been married in the year 1781 and ther husband had died on March 1 of the year 1838, and that they had been married in Culpepper county in the state of Virginia. She also stated that they had had eleven children as follows: Nancy, who was the widow of Nicholas BROWN; Elizabeth, who was the widow of Robert SHIRLEY; Benjamin, who was deceased; Lewis, who had been born on December 25 of the year 1785 and who was also deceased; William; Susan, the wife of Joel W. HURDBY; Jane, who was deceased, and the wife of William KIRK; George; John; Mary, the wife of Willis WATSON; and Edmond, who had been born on November 1 of the year 1801, and who was deceased. On May 11 of the year 1839 in Bullitt County in the state of Kentucky the affidavit of William CARDWELL was given in open court. The deponenet stated and swore that he was the fifth son of the said pensioner and he also gave a list of the children of the said pensioner which was the same as the above list and he further swore that his parents had been married in the year 1781. On August 3 of the year 1839, in Bullitt County, in the state of Kentucky, the affidavit of William CARDWELL was given. The said deponenet produced the following Bible Record: LEWIS CARDWELL, the son of William and Famariah CARDWELL, was born on the first of November in the year 1801. Lewis CARDWELL, the son of the aforesaid, departed this life on the thirty first day of October in the year 1832, at the age of forty seven years. (Note--that doesn't subtract correctly). EDMUND CARDWELL, the son of the above was born on the first of November in the year 1801. Edmund CARDWELL the aforesaid, departed this life on the twenty sixth day of October in the year 1832 at the age of 31 years. George CARDWELL, one of the sons, appointed George H. MONSARRAT to be his lawful attorney. Famariah CARDWELL, the widow of the said pensioner died on May the (eighty) of the year 1843, and she left the following children surviving: Elizabeth SHIRLEY at the age of 76 years; John CARDWELL at the age of 65 years; George CARDWELL at the age of 59 years. On March 1 of the year 1852 in Jefferson county in the state of Kentucky the affidavit of William I. CARDWELL was given. The deponenet stated and swore that he was the grandson of Famariah CARDWELL, the widower of the said pensioner and he further stated that his father, George CARDWELL, had died and that Elizabeth SHIRLEY and John CARDWELL were at that time the only living children of the said pensioner and his wife. Famariah CARDWELL, the widow of the pensioner, recieved one hundred dollars per annum and her certificate of pension for that amount was issued on July 29, of the iear 1845, and it was then sent to N. C> SUMMERS at Shepherdsville in the state of Kentucky. She was also on the Kentucky Roll of pensions at the rate of $100 per annum to commence on March 10 of the year 1838 and her certificate of pension for that amount was issued on January 25 of the year 1840 and it was then sent to N. C. SUMMERS at Shepherdsville in the sated of Kentucky. The said pensioner himself, William CARDWELL, was on the Kentucky Pension roll at the rate of $8 per month to commence on May 31 of the year 1818 and her certificate of pension for that amount was issued on October 8 of the year 1819 and it was then sent to Benjamin MILLS at Paris in the state of Kentucky. The said pensioner was also on the Kentucky roll of Pensions at the rate of one hundred dollars per annum and his certificate of pension for that amount was issued on March 15 of the year 1834 and it was thereupon sent to W. H. TODD, esquire, present.