REV WAR PENSION: John Goldsmith Sr, 1825, Bullitt Co., KY ***************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Commercial entities must ask for and receive permission from submitter before downloading. Contributed by Doug P. Date: 15 June 2000 ***************************************************************************** John Goldsmith, Sr. Revolutionary War Pension Claim Notes and guesses are in [ ] under the related line. Pension Claim Form (?), handwriting put in { } ------------------------------------------ {19.492 R} {Kentucky} {John Goldsmith} of {Bullitt Cy} in the State of {Ky} who was a {Private} in the {Compy} commanded by Captain {Woodson} of the regiment commanded by Colonel {Matthews} in the {Virginia} line, for the term of {two years} from {Feb 2} 17{76} to { } 17{ } ["to dates" were blank] Inscribed on the Roll of {Kentucky} at the rate of 8 dollars per month, to commence on [may have been "5" instead of "8"] the {4} of {July 1925} Certificate of Pension issued the {20} of {July 1825} and {sent to(?) G. F. Pope ????} [looks like "senlto" but probably "sent to"] {Shepherdsville, Kentucky} Arrears to 4th of { } Semi-anl. all'ce ending {4 Sept 1925 $16.28} Revolutionary claim, Acts Marh 18, 1818, and May 1, 1820. {&} {1 March 1823} Declaration Letter ------------------ (page 1) State of Kentucky Bullitt County On this fourth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty five personally appeared in open court, being a Court of Record for Bullitt County, John Goldsmith resident in said County age sixty eight years who being first duly sworn according according to law on his oath makes the following Declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the acts of Congress of the 18th of March 1818 and the 1st May 1820: That he the said John Goldsmith entered for the time of two years on the (space) day of [space was probably meant to be filled in later but overlooked] February 1776 in the State of Virginia in the Company Commanded by Captain Samuel Woodson in the 9th Virginia Regiment Commanded by Col. Matthews in the line of the State of Virginia on Continental Establishment that he Continued to serve in said ???? until the expiration of the time for which [could be Cmpy or Corps] he enlisted when he was discharged from the service at Valley Forge in the State of Pennsylvania. That he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension except the present; That his name is not on the Roll of any State except Virginia. And that the following are the reasons for not making earlier application for a Pension towit. He obtained a discharge from an officer whose name he does not recollect and having lost said discharge by [probably Lt. Col. Ball who took over the regiment] [after its disasterous battle at Germantown, PA] accident and having been informed that his Captain has long since departed this life he knew of no persons nor does he yet know of any person by whom he could prove his service and he was advised that it would be necessary to prove his service by witness before he Could be placed on the Pension list, but he has lately been advised to apply on his own oath of service. And in pursuance of an act of the 1st of May 1820 I do solemnly swear that being a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have (page 2) not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress "Entitled an act to provide for ???? persons engaged in the land or [may be "certain"] naval service of the United Sates in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or security contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed(?). [looks like "subscribed", could be "described"] That since the 18th of March 1818 the following changes have been made in my property. About that time I had an Equitable Claim to one hundred acres of land (of third rate. a mare and colt, about twenty dollars worth of cattle and about thirty dollars worth of hogs. The ???? further [looks like "Decarant", probably mispelled "Declarant"] states that he is a Bricklayer by trade(?) but is now too old and infirm to pursue it for a support. He has wife nearly of the same age who has been sick for upwards of five years and he has been forced to dispose of his land mare & colt and part of his cattle & hogs to pay Doctors Bills for the support of himself and wife. He has five children towit three sons & two Daughters who are grown and who have left him and he derives no support from them. The schedule of his property now owned by him is as follows: one Cow & Calf at - $7 13 head of small hogs - $8 2 chairs - 50 Household & Kitchen furniture 3.00 Small garden hoe, shovel plough & old axe 2 of 20 50 ----- his John X Goldsmith mark (page 3) I the clerk of the County Court of Bullitt County in the State of Kentucky do hereby Certify that it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that the said John Goldsmith did serve in the Revolutionary War ???? States in the preceeding(?) Declaration against the Common enemy for the term of nine? months under ???? engagements?, on the Continental Establishment. I also Certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed are truly copied from the Records of the said Court and I also further Certify that it is the opinion of the said Court that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is twenty dollars fifty Cents $20.50. In Testimony whereof I have here unto set(?) my hand(?) and affixed the seal of the said Court on this 4th(?) day of July (?) ???? [crease on the page makes it difficult to read] Geo. F. Pope Clerk of the Court of the County of Bullitt