OBIT: Mrs. Minn Hibbs Nusz, d. 1916, Bullitt/Jefferson Co., Ky ***************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Commercial entities must ask for and receive permission from submitter before downloading. Contributed by Date: 20 June 2000 ***************************************************************************** Wildnerness Road June 1989 donated by Aunt Dorothy This obituary was found in my aunt's Bible after her death in 1954. I am Researching the HIBBS family and have not been able to make a connection to this family. Minnie HIBBS NUSZwas the granddaughter of Henderson HIBBS and Cordelia HEAD The Angel of Death again entered this neighborhood last Sunday, 2/20/1916 at 340 o'clock pm claiming for his own the beautiful and lovely Christian young woman. Mrs. Minn NUSZ (nee HIBBS) beloved wife of Noah NUSZ, who passed out of her suffering with that dread disease, tuberculosis. She was born November 6, 1885, being 30 years 3months and 14 days of age. During her girlhood, which was largely spent in this county., she was universally loved and admired for her bright sunny disposition and many beautiful and noble traits of character. She joined the church when quite a small girl and was ever thereafter a faithful member. On August 22, 1906, she was married to Noah NUSZ, and from that union, which was a happy one, was blessed with three little bright children, one daughter , Hazel, and two Sons, Aldin and Woodford. For many , months she was a heroic sufferer, not murmuring once of her serious condition. All the while life was fast ebbing away. yet she never lost hope and was ever smiling and cheerful to those around her until Sunday morning, she called Mrs. Amanda WELLER to her bedside telling her to have all loved ones call to see her and that there was not anything between her and Heaven and that it was her last day on earth. She talked to her children, telling them to be good children, and to remember their prayers, also told her husband, mother, father, sister and brothers to be prepared to meet her in heaven and that she could not come back to them but they could come to her. She also made all her funeral arrangements, selecting her songs and pallbearers, which were MEsdames Alma BASHAM, Myrtle KULMER, Mae GREENWELL, Mobel ADAMS, Cleopatra JONES and Myrtle DEACON, and Mrs. Zena MARAMAN as organist. On the following day at a1230 pm funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. HARDIN (as it was her request) at Cedar Grove and her remains were peacefully laid to rest before a large crowd of friends and relatives. Surviving besides her husband and three children, are her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry HIBBS, one sister Miss Sola Mae , 4 brothers Drummond, of Louisville, Tom, Ernest, Lupearl and other near relatives. We most sincerely sympathize with the broken hearted husband and age father, mother sister and brothers who have been faithful and untiring in their devotion to their loved one and we do tearfully sympathize with the motherless children who have lost their best friend. May the God who called their mother home protect and bless them.