WILL: David Hall, 1849, Bullitt County, KY ************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Commercial entities must ask for and receive permission from submitter before downloading. Transcribed and contributed by Donna M Hall bobndonnaky@aol.com ************************************************************************** In the name of God, amen. I David HALL of Bullitt County and State of Kentucky being weak in body , but of sound mind and memory, and knowing the uncertianty of life do think it fit so to dispose of the property which I posses in a manner that shall be satisfactory to myself, and which I do in the following form and manner, towit. First. After my death, it is my desire that my body shall be buried in a plain, decent, and Christian like manner. Second, It is my will and desire that all my just debts shall be paid. Third, I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth HALL all that part of the tract of land on which I now reside that lays within the following described bounds, towit. To begin at my corner that joins the corner of Elzy GRANT and continue with my line to Salt River thence down the river to the mouth of my spring branch, thence up the same up to a spring that breaks out on or near said branch called the bottom spring, thence to run in a westwardly direction so as to strike a line of Daniel BISHOP at his corner, then is running in a Northerly direction with my fence, commonly called the minor fence, and continue the same course until it shall strike the cleared land belonging to my farm thence to run run a Westerly direction about 150 yards to a point on the top of a hill thence to run a Northerly direction through its cleared land until it strikes the corner of the crop fence, thence with the crop fence in a northerly direction and continue the same course until a straight line to the beginning shall include 150 acres to be hers during the time that she remains my widow with the following exceptions towit. That whereas my two sons Robert Hall and Nathan Hall has at their own cost built a cooper shop, a barn and a threshing machine, it is my will and desire that they shall have the use and benefit of the above described improvements together with the right of way to and from the same. Fourth, I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth one negro woman by the name Hannah, and her father, increase to be hers during her widowhood, also two featherbeds and furniture on bureau first choice, one chest, one cupboard, and all the cupboard ware, two tables, and as many cooking utensils as she may choose to keep, all my chairs, all my fowls of every species, two choice cows, six head of sheep, and one grey mare called Jenny, also one ____ and its furniture. Fifth. It is my will and desire that a small tract of land lying in the Man's lick ____ known as the Wheeler tract be sold by my exr's hereinafter named either at private or public sale for the best price that it will bring and they are hereby authorized to convey the same to the purchaser. Sixth It is my will and desire, after the payment of my just debts and the legacies left to my wife, that all my property both personal and real or ____ be equally divided between my four children, viz Robert Hall, Nathan Hall, Clifton Hall, and my daughter Margaret Mothershead, the division to be made in kins ______ sale. Seventh I hereby constitute and appoint my three sons, towit. Robt. Hall, Nathan Hall and Clifton Hall my executors, this my Last Will and Testament, hereby making all former wills by me made and declaring this only to be my Last Will and Testament, in testimony whereof I set my hand and affix my seal this ninth day of march, One thousand eight hundred and forty nine. David Hall X His mark done in the presence of ---- Austin Hall Nathan Hall Lewis Hall State of Kentucky Bullitt County Court 19th May 1849 The forgoing last will and testament of David Hall dec'd was this day produced in open court and duly proved by the oaths of Nathan Hall and Lewis Hall two of the witnesses thereto to be the true last will and testament of dec'd David Hall and that the same was executed and delivered by decedent as such in his full senses before them.