Jimmy S. Childress Cemetery The Jimmy S. Childress Cemetery is located on a piece of land owned by Joe Miller; Mr. Miller is a developer of housing projects. The coordinates for the Cemetery are as follows. Approximate Grid Location on the Topographical maps is; Reedyville Quadrangle, Butler Co. 86 degrees, 24 minutes, 6 seconds west Longitude 37 degrees, 10 minutes, 2 seconds, north Latitude To access this cemetery requires walking from Lock #5 Road, about 1 mile, it is unimproved. The general area of the cemetery is 1 mile north of the Green River, 1 mile east of State Road 185, and ¼ mile south of the Doc Parrish Road. Plans are to enclose the cemetery with fencing; Mr. Miller wants to protect the cemetery from intruders, and to identify it. Jimmy S. Childress developed this Cemetery between 1895, when he bought the land, and 1916, when he sold the land. He made specific mention of this Cemetery in the land deed; he called it “the Graveyard”, and noted that it was 40 yards square. He gave specific instructions that this “Graveyard” was excluded from any sale of the land. There are at least 21 graves in the Cemetery, only one has some written evidence on it. I have raked the are down, and have located the stones, all laid out in a semblance of order, west to east, south to north. There is evidence that some Hays family are buried there, they operated a ferry across Bear Creek and Green River, close to the cemetery site. Mr. Childress moved to Jefferson Co. Ky., after he sold the land, about 1916, it is likely he and his wife are buried there. At this point, it is unclear who is buried there; no record is available at this time. Robert D. Cron 100 Holly Trail Roundhill, Ky. 42275