13 Sep 1917 Part B - Green River Republican, Butler County, Kentucky *********************************************************** Submitted by: Butler County KYGenweb GRR Transcription Team Date: 11 Jun 2007 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm *********************************************************** 1917 Sep 13 Part B This transcribed by Beverly Carroll Hodges from images scanned by Alice Warner To be proofread later by Alice Warner, original images available online at http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/butler/photos/grr/13Sep1917.pdf You will need Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer to open the image PAGE B COLUMN 1 GREEN RIVER REPUBLICAN established 1885 Morgantown Kentucky, R S RIVES editor and manager, member of Kentucky press association, office phone cumb 44, residence phone cumb 91, entered in the post office Morgantown Kentucky at Butler county as second class matter, issued every Thursday. We are authorized to announce MAJ HENRY H DENHARDT of Warren county, a candidate for congress from the third congressional district, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held in August 1918. THE GOP TICKET For county judge A L HAYNES For county clerk W O MOATS For county attorney G V WILLIS For jailer W J TUCK For assessor F C ADKINS For county superintendent C E GARY For Sheriff HERMON JACKSON For coroner P H HUNT For representative 25th district A, A. DEMUNBRUN, Mammoth Cave, KY For justice of peace 1st dist OTIS WHITE 2nd dist R T JONES 3rd dist R E FLEMING 4th dist W ? PHELPS 5th dist ? Police judge Morgantown E N MAYHUGH For town marshal JOHN A NEEL BOYS WHO GO ON FIRST CALL SEPT 18 The names that follow are the boys that will be sent to Camp on the 18th of Sept, They probably will go to Camp Taylor at Louisville, URMAN E BANCUM GEORGE ADAMS GEORGE F NASH ZENA PHELPS GEORGE MANLEY ORA EMBRY HERBERT C SMITH RICHARD C SORRELS SHELBY C BOWER QUINN BEASLEY JAMES E PHELPS ARCHIE SIMPSON LONNIE BROOKS RUFUS E BAXTER HERSCHELL L MCKINNEY SIMPSON BROOKS JOHN W SMITH HIRAM RODGERS J JEFFE EMBRY JEWEL MASSEY THAXTON BELCHER FRANK TUCK SHIRLEY PARKS JAMES A SUDLETT FIELDON WOOSLEY PHILLIP W EMBRY WILLIAM R LASLEE VIRGIL JONES NO REASON FOR IT You are shown a way out, there can be a reason why any reader of this who suffers the torture of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the pain and dangers of kidney if will fails to heed the word of a resident of this locality who has found relief, the following convincing proof of merit. J L WHITE traveling salesman 388 First St, Russellville KY says, I was in such bad fix with my back that I couldn't turn over in bed, my back ached all the time and I couldn't rest day or night, I'd often had to get out of bed to tend to my back, My kidneys acted up regularly I bought DOAN'S kidney pills in short use of them my back and kidneys made well. The Kaiser’s reputation for veracity is getting to the level of a man who was such a liar that he had to get another man to call his hogs when he wanted to feed them. . Uncle JOHN ROCKEFELLER doesn't own the earth, it belongs to the man who loves the sunrise who gets up in good humor starts the day with confidence and a determination to deal squarely. END OF COLUMN 1 PAGE B COLUMN 2 THE BIG SHORES Hark the yellow wagon is coming With its wheels fairly humming And its conductor in bright blue cap Alights at the gate and at the doors give a rap With a how do you do to one and all And a remedy for each through great or small And if your back is all in with pain or ache A bottle of liniment he has for you to take Awake awake ye honest Butlerite Buy from the duality line proven right For in each bottle is guaranteed satisfaction Its merit you can figure without subtraction Try a bottle mountain oil for pain external or internal Even for toothache which of all tis most infernal When your stomach all hurts and gets in a knot It will relieve it right on the spot Consider my brother for tis my honest belief That many a life has been saved with a dose of pain relief Oh what is the use with colic to suffer such pain When he so gladly leaves a supply till he comes again With a free trial mark right on the label On all his remedies for either household or stable So on this plan you try the results Use according to directions for children or adults Honk Honk tis here we speak of the automobile When she’s stuck in the mud and can’t budge a wheel Just add one ounce of mother pep to 5 gallons of gasoline And presto she glides through the mud across the ravine To your oil it adds 20 per cent more power by test Makes low grade gasoline better than the best When on these hills so rough and steep She pulls so easy you almost go to sleep Squeak squeak don’t let the wagon and machinery go to pieces By neglecting to use shores sill and axle greases And if with fly chasers you will spray your stock They can do more work and thus increase your crop Then if a few doses of shores stock regulator you'll feel Twill save some corn and half the hay you won't need And above all feed the fowls some of our poultry tonic Thus avoiding all diseases either acute or chronic Ding a ling here to your taste we earnestly appeal That you may not be deprived of something good each meal For when one you try our pure flavoring extract You will find it has the quality the others lack Now my fair lady if our toilet articles you will use Twill be deck your lovers soul with laurels of richest hues Just bear in mind when your stomach feels stuffy You can get sure relief from the Co Agt. Mr. Guffy ADDRESS J W GUFFY, QUALITY KY CUMB PHONE 62 HUNTSVILLE BRO BOGGESS filled his regular appointment at the M E Church Sunday MISS DORA BRASHEAR of Drakesboro, Ky. died Aug 31 and will be buried at the Hamilton cemetery, we express to the family our great sympathy Mr. BURMIE HUNT has returned home from Madisonville KY where he has been under treatment for head and throat trouble by DR T L BAILEY says he thinks he is being benefited. MR and MRS WILL BEADWELL were the guests of MR and MRS D I GARDNER Sunday also MRS HUGHES mother of MRS GARDNER The pie supper at MR and MRS RAYMOND MEFFORD Saturday night was enjoyed very much by our young people and quite a crowd from Drakesboro attended, the proceeds to go for the Baptist Church MRS ALBERT BAUGH and children of Drakesboro Ky. and MISS ADA RICHIE and sister of Greenville KY have been visiting MR and MRS C W GRUBB this week MRS EBEN FLEMING of Dimple KY is visiting friends and relatives of this place. PROF A J BOATRIGHT and his pupils visited the school of MISS GLADYS GARDNER Friday where they enjoyed a ciphering spinach and all reported a good time. Several attended the Chautauqua at Rochester all were highly pleased and reported a good time. MR HUDSON BROWN has been visiting his grandmother this week MISSES ULA and NILA HUNT of Evansville are at home this week with their parents MR and MRS DAVE HUNT The Butler county fair sure is going to be a hummer, We have with us more horses to enter the pacing, running and trotting races than ever before, so make your arrangements to come if you want to see the best races ever pulled off in Butler county. MR D E PHILLIPS the most liberal mule buyer will be at Rochester Friday Sept 21 and at Morgantown Sept 22 to buy your mules, MR PHILLIPS is the most liberal buyer that comes to Morgantown so wait for him What is believed to be oldest inhabited residence in the world is a mansion in Germany that was built in 700 END OF COLUMN 2 PAGE B COLUMN 3 F T BELCHER, White barber upstairs over DOCKERY'S store, Electric massage, no waiting no delay, KEEN razors clean towels. BERRYS LICK ITEMS MR EBEN MCKINNEY was the pleasant caller of MR. J. V. GRAHAM and family Wednesday night. MR VAKICE WOMACK was the guest of MISS. ILENE GIVENS Sunday afternoon. MISSES GLADYS and LOIS JONES and CURTIS MCKINNEY attended services at the Cane ridge Sunday night. Meeting is in progress at Steven chapel this week. MR. EBEN MCKINNEY and MR GUY WOMACK went to Huntsville Sat. on business. MR H. H. LEE of Berry’s Lick was in town Monday and left his order with us for stationary, MR. LEE has a general merchandise store and deals in produce. The pioneer oil refining company promoted by Ohio capitalists and located at petroleum six miles south of Scottsville Ky. has elected HON TOY F. HINTON county court clerk of Allen County, treasures and has a capitol stock of $100,00 the company is paying $2.02 per gal for crude oil. WANTED A bushel of Quinces bushel of pears and a ton of hay. MR H. L. AUSTIN is attending the state fair this week. MRS. CLIFFORD CLAYPOOL, MR. & MRS. H. B. CHERRY, MISSES. ERTIS JOHNSON, BETTIE NEWTON, BONNIE & RUBY HOWARD, MESSRS JIM GUFFY, THERON FISHER, BOBIE MAIN, LANCELOT HOSKINS, and ENID HOWARD attended the Bowling Green fair last Saturday. MISS BELLE SOWDERS has arrived with her fall & winter millinery goods. The road contractors have stopped work for a few days on the Morgantown & Little muddy road, the proper order has been entered in county so they can draw their money and work will begin earnest next Monday. ORGIN OF WHISKY The word whisk is an anglicized form of the welsh word ---- a Celtic word meaning water. It is connected with the Irish word wisque from which the Saxon gets the word whisky. END OF COLUMN 3 PAGE B, COLUMN 4 Just opened at the A T DOCKERY stand, restaurant and lunch stand. Cold drinks, canned goods, fresh bread and cakes, Regular meals 35c, give me a call, JOHN HOPE Prop. MULES WANTED I will be at Rochester Friday Sept 21 1917 and at Morgantown Saturday Sept 22 to buy mules, 14 1-2 to 16 1-2 hands high 4 to 10 years old, good bone and flesh. Highest market price paid, D. E. PHILLIPS MISS DORSIE HOWARD Millinery, ladies, misses and children’s hats, come and examine my stock, I can please you, In GUFFY building. The Green river republican weekly, and the home & farm twice a month $1.25 per year There is more Catarrh in this section of the county than all other diseases put together, and for fears it was supposed to be incurable, doctors prescribed to cure with local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh medicine manufactured by F J CHENEY and Co Toledo Ohio is a constitutional remedy is taken internally and acts though the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. One hundred dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh medicine fails to cure, send for circulars and testimonials. F J CHENEY & CO Toledo Ohio sold by druggists 75c, Hall's family pills for constipation The Butler County Sunday School convention will be held at Logansport on Sept 23, every body invited. Bring us some new sorghum molasses on your subscription Woodbury Astonished By Merchants Story. A merchant relates the following, For years I could not sleep without turning every night, whatever I ate caused gas and sourness, Also had stomach catarrh , one teaspoon buckthorn bark, glycerin etc. as mixed in Ablerila relieved me instantly, because Adlerika flushes the entire ailment any tract it relieves, any case constipation, sour stomach, or gas and prevents appendicitis, It has quickest action of anything we ever sold, D K HINES, Druggist, Woodbury KY END OF COLUMN 4 PAGE B, COLUMN 5 Children cry for FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, the kind you have always bought and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of CHAS FLETCHER and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this all counterfeits, imitations and just as good are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children, Experience against experiment. What is Castoria, Castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil, paregoric drops and teething syrups, it is pleasant it contains neither opium, morphine nor any other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for relief of constipation, flatulency arising quad colic and diarrhea, feverishness arising there from and by regulating the stomach and bowels, aids the detestation of food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children Panacea, the mothers friend, Genuine Castoria always bears the signature CHAS H FLETCHER In use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought. FOR SALE I have a shredder for sale in good condition will sell below cost, If you want a shredder I will give you a good bargain, This shredder ---- ---- new, also I have a registered brood mare for sale, Cash or good notes W C AYERS Sugar Grove KY A word for mothers It is a grave mistake for mothers to neglect their aches and pains and suffer in silence, this only leads to chronic sickness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring if your nerves are excitable if you feel languid, weary or depressed you should know that SCOTT'S Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the elements to invigorate the blood and strengthen the tissues and nourish the nerves. SCOTT'S is strengthening thousands of mothers and will help you, No alcohol. SCOTT & BOWNE , Bloomfield NY Used 40 years CARDUI, the woman’s tonic sold everywhere. STOMACH TROUBLE MRS MARION HOLCOMB of NENEY, KY says for quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble, I would have pains and heavy feeling after my meals a most disagreeable taste in my mouth, if I ate anything with butter, oil or grease I would spit up I began to have regular sick headache, I had used pills and tablets but after a course of these I would become constipated it would seem to tear my stomach all up, I found they were no good at all for my trouble, I heard THEDFORD'S Black draught recommended very highly so I began to use it, it cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is best liver medicine made, I do not have a sick headache or stomach trouble any more. Black draught acts on the ---- liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the system. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. If you feel sluggish take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh tomorrow, price 25c a package, all druggists one cent a dose. Perfection The Butler county Percheon breeders association will stand their famous horse perfection at the CURREN WHITAKER stand, service $15 to insure a living colt, CURREN WHITAKER Mgr. END OF COLUMN 5 PAGE B, COLUMN 6 Bookkeeping Business, Photography, Typewriting and Telegraphy. WILBUR R SMITH Business College Its president has years of experience in mercantile and banking ---- ---- --- WILBUR R. SMITH Lexington, KY STR KALISTA Mail boat daily trips to Bowling Green, leaves Bowling Green 7 am arrives Morgantown 12, leaves Morgantown 12:30 pm arrives Bowling Green 5:30 pm. Fare each way $1 J F HOPE To the public, The ladies aid of Morgantown Missionary Baptist Church will on the 1st day of circuit court Oct 1st 1917 serve regular noon day meal and lunch in the court house, proceeds to go to the church building fund MRS R S RIVES People speak well of CHAMBERLAIN'S tablets. .I have been selling CHAMBERLAIN'S tablets for about two years and heard such good reports from my customers that I do not believe there is another preparation of the kind equal to them. C A MCBRIDE, Hartford Ont., If you are troubled with indigestion give them a trial they will do you good. We will give the Green River Republican one year to the person bringing us the largest potato sweet or Irish by OCT 1st 1917. END OF COLUMN 6 END OF PAGE B