21 Feb 1918 Part D - Green River Republican, Butler County, Kentucky *********************************************************** Submitted by: Butler County KYGenweb GRR Transcription Team Date: 11 Jun 2007 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm *********************************************************** 1918 Feb 21 Part D This transcribed by Tamara Kincaide < > from images scanned by Alice Warner To be proofread later by Alice Warner, original images available online at http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/butler/photos/grr/21Feb1918.pdf You will need Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer to open the image GREEN RIVER REPUBLICAN PAGE D COLUMN 1 Wash the kidneys, All the blood in the body passes thru the kidneys every few minutes. This is why the kidneys play such an important role in health or disease. By some mysterious process the kidney selects what ought to come out of the blood and takes it out. If the kidneys are not good workmen and become congested poisons accumulate and we suffer from backache, headache, lumbago, rheumatism or gout. The urine is often cloudy full of sediment, channels often get sore and sleep is disturbed at night. So it is that DR. PIERCE of the invalids hotel and surgical institute in Buffalo NY advises, washing the kidneys by drinking six to eight glasses of water between meals and then if you want to take a harmless medicine that will clear the channels and cure the annoying symptoms go to your druggist and get Anuric which is many times more potent than Lithia will drive out the uric acid poisons and bathe the kidneys and channels in a soothing liquid. If you desire write for free medical advice and send sample of water for free examination. Experience has taught DR. PIERCE that Anuric is a most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid as hot water melts sugar, Send DR. PIERCE 10c for trial package. PATENTS, WATSOM M. COLEMAN patent lawyer, Washington D C, Advice and books free, rates reasonable, highest references, best services. Sometimes a fellow is like a hydrangea, bloom cultivates a blush with age. . To cure a cold in one day, take laxative bromo quinine tablets, It stops the cough and headache and works off the cold, M. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. Sin and misery always go together but sin comes first. The occasional use of roman eye balsam at night will prevent and relieve tired eyes, watery eyes and eye strain. People who are discreet have eyes but see not and ears but hear not. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation intestinal troubles, torpid fever and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dyspepsia and liver trouble bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpitation of heart and many other symptoms. A few doses of AUGUST FLOWER will immediately relieve you. It is a laxative. Ask your druggist, sold in civilized countries. HAD KEEN EYE TO BUSINESS Good reason why young man did not desire house as gift from father in law. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Jr. at the YMCA camp in New Jersey where he has been doing voluntary war work, told this story about a mean young man, This mean young man he said married a girl of wealthy parentage and the young couple began their wedded life in a house belonging to the brides father, Not long ago while we were discussing market conditions together I asked the young man if it was true that his father in law had made him a present of the house he lived in, It’s a very generous thing if so I added, “Well it aint so” said the young man, “that is it aint exactly so, He offered me the house but I wouldn't accept it.” “Why not” said I, He winked solemnly, “The house is sure to be willed to me when my father in law dies” he said, “and meanwhile I'm living in it rent free while the old man pays the taxes.” Man prides himself on his superior intelligence but who ever heard of a woman buying a gold brick? Never try to feed healthy credit on promissory notes. Your comfortable healthy well to do neighbor uses instant Postum instead of coffee, ever ask him the reason, Might be worth while especially if you are one of those with whom coffee doesn't agree, There’s a reason . END OF COLUMN 1 PAGE D COLUMN 2 CASTORIA for infants and children, mothers know the genuine Castoria, always bears the signature CHAS H. FLETCHER, In use for over thirty years CASTORIA. CARTER'S liver pills, You can not be happy and constipated, A remedy that makes life worth living. CARTER'S iron pills, absence of iron in the blood is the reason for many color less faces, CARTER'S iron pills relieves most pale faced people. When lovely woman stoops to folly it is time for mere man to take to the tall timber. Old sores, ulcers and eczema vanish, good old reliable PETERSON'S ointment. Had 51 ulcers on my leg, doctors wanted to cut off leg, PETERSON'S ointment cured me, WM. J. NICHOLS, 40 Wilder St., Rochester, NY. Get a large box for 30 cents at any druggist, says PETERSON, and money back if it doesn't help you at once. Always keep PETERSON'S ointment in the house, fine for burns, scalds, bruises and the surest remedy for skin diseases, pimples, itching eczema and piles the world has ever known. PETERSON'S ointment is the best for bleeding and piles I have ever found, Major CHARLES E. WHITNEY, Vineyard Haven, Mass. PETERSON'S ointment has given great satisfaction, MRS. J. L. WEISS, Cuylerville, NY. All druggists sell it, recommend it. Constipation generally indicates disordered stomach liver and bowels. WRIGHT'S Indian vegetable pills restore regularity without gripping. Sometimes a man is like a brook that makes its greatest noise where it falls. You need not suffer with backache and rheumatism, for centuries gold medal Harlem oil has been a standard household remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble and all diseases connected with the urinary organs. The kidneys and the bladder are the most important organs of the body. They are filters the purifiers of your blood, if the poisons which enter your system through the blood and stomach are not entirely thrown out by the kidneys and bladder you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, headache, pain in loins and lower abdomen, gall stones, gravel difficulty when urinating cloudy and bloody urine, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago all warn you to look after you kidneys and bladder. Gold medal Harlem oil capsules are what you need. They are not a patent medicine nor a new discovery, for 200 years they have been a standard household remedy. They are pore original imported Harlem oil your grandmother used and are perfectly harmless. The healing soothing oil soaks into our cells and lining of the kidneys and through the bladder driving out the poisonous germs. New life fresh strength and health will come as you continue this treatment. When completely restored to your usual vigor continue taking a capsule or two each day, they will keep you in condition and prevent a return of the disease. Do not delay a minute, delays are especially dangerous in kidney and bladder trouble, All reliable druggists sell gold medal Harlem oil capsules, They will refund your money if not as represented. In three sizes sealed packages, ask for original imported gold medal accept no substitutes. Easy to figure the profits. Where in western Canada you can buy at from $15 to $30 per acre good farm land that will raise 20 to 25 bushels to the acre of $2 wheat its easy to figure the profits. Many western Canadian farmers scores of them from the U.S. have paid for their land from a single crop. Such an opportunity for 100% profit on labor and investment is worth investigation. Canada extends to you a hearty invitation to settle her land. Free homestead farms of 160 acres each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Think what you can make with wheat at $2 a bushel and land so easy to get. Wonderful yields also of oats, barley and flax. Mixed farming and cattle rising. The climate is healthful and agreeable railway facilities excellent good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature to Supt Immigration , Ottawa Canada or to W S NETHERY, room 52 Interurban Sta. bldg, Columbus O. END OF COLUMN 2 PAGE D COLUMN 3 A wise man doesn't try to scare a cow standing still while being milked. For constipation, bilious, liver and kidney troubles take GARFIELD tea. A nation may not build a wall high enough to permit it safety as a recluse. Once there was a woman who thought large feet preferable to a small understanding. Based on cost per tablet it saves 9 1/2 c, Hills cascara quinine no advance price for this 20 year old remedy, 25 c for 24 cold tablets now, some cold tablets 30c for 21 tablets. Figured on proportionate cost per tablet you save 9 1/2c when you buy Hill's , cures cold in 24 hours, grip in 2 days. Money back if it fails, 24 tablets for 25c, at any drug store. END OF COLUMN 3 PAGE D. COLUMN 4 COLDS, Head or chest are best treated externally, VICK'S Vaporub. The allies are marching against Germany's worst enemy. Fiery red pimples, A hot bath with Cuticura soap followed by an application of Cuticura ointment to distressing eczemas etc. proves their wonderful properties. For free samples address Cuticura, Dent X, Boston. At druggists and by mail. Soap 25c,ointment 25c and 50c. A shrewd financier is a man who can extract dividends from theories. Chronic constipation is as dangerous and disagreeable. GARFIELD tea cures it. A night watch is like a tombstone when it is put up for a late husband. Keep yourself fit, You can't afford to be laid up with sore, aching kidneys in these days of high prices. Some occupations bring kidney troubles almost any work makes weak kidneys worse. If you feel tired all the time and suffer with lame back, sharp pains, dizzy spells, headaches and disordered kidney action use DOAN'S kidney pills, It may save an attack of rheumatism, dropsy or Brights disease. Doan's have helped thousands back to health, An Ohio case WM. R. SMITH 310 Moxahaha Ave , Zanesville Ohio says my back and the pain got so bad I couldn't ride on the wagon, my back ached so acutely I could hardly bend over, my kidneys acted up often and blinding dizzy spells came on. My feet swelled so badly I couldn't wear my shoes, After every thing else failed DOAN'S kidney pills removed all the ailments and I am able to do my work with ease now. Get DOAN'S at any store 50c a box. DOAN'S kidney pills, FOSTER MILBURN CO, Buffalo, NY. BAKER'S cocoa has great food value, The food value of cocoa has been proven by centuries of use. Physicians enthusiastically endorse, the choice however should be high grade cocoa, BAKER'S of course and it’s delicious too, Trade mark on every package, made only by WALTER BAKER & CO LTD, Est. 17??, Dorchester, Mass. Make your own stock tonic, The necessary medicinal ingredients, roots, herbs etc. are contained in DR. DAVID ROBERTS Stokvigor , price $1. When added to oil cake meal or other ground feed it makes a market stock tonic that cannot be excelled. Read the practical home veterinarian, send for free booklet if no dealer is in your town, DR. DAVID ROBERTS, Vet Co., 199 Grand Ave, Waukesha, Wis. Boys and girls clean the skin with Cuticura soap and ointment 25c everywhere. Children who are sickly, mothers who value the health of their children should never be without mother GRAY'S sweet powders for children, for use when needed, they tend to break up colds, relieve feverishness, worms, headaches, teething disorders and stomach troubles, used by mothers for 31 years, sold by druggists everywhere, 25c, trial package free, Address The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy. NY Don't cut out a shoe boil, capped hock or bursitis for absorbine will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly, does not blister or remove the hair and ---- can be worked. $2.50 a bottle delivered. Absorbine Jr. for mankind, the --- for boils,----- always ---- and inflammation, Price $1.25 a bottle at druggist or delivered. W. F. YOUNG, PDF 10 Themple ST., Barinfield. Mass. FOR SALE Two regulation size bowling alleys and all equipment, A1 condition now operational, made by BRUNSWICK BLAKE, Colander Co. This outfit sold for ----- now 1,000 will sell cheap for cash, Address W. E. FRAEME, box 87, Middlesboro, KY. END OF COLUMN 4 PAGE D, COLUMN 5 A KLONDIKE TO THE REAL FARMER A western Canada crop estimated at $12,000 makes $19,000. Messrs HARRIS formerly of Audubon Iowa wrote the Audubon Advocate expressing their satisfaction of things in western Canada. They located at Makepeare, Alberta , they say there are those who make good and those who fail. The former are those that land agents refer to when advertising their land, but continues the letter a great many of the farmers in this vicinity pay for their land with their first crop. A man near here bought a section of land in the year 1915 for $23 per acre. He broke 300 acres of land during the summer of 1915, in the fall of 1916 he threshed 16,000 bushels of wheat which paid for his land all expenses and has a balance of $4000. In the fall of 1917 he threshed nearly as much off the other half of the section. At the present time he would not take $50 per acre for his land. We have had five crops in Alberta, the two dry years 1914-17 our wheat made 20 and 30 bushels to acre respectively, In 1916 we raised 50 bushels of wheat to the acre on summer fallow. The best results are obtained by plowing or breaking in the summer working it down in the fall so that it will retain the moisture, thus farming one half your ground each year. Persons owning land here and still living in the states should if they don't feel themselves able to come up here and finance themselves until they could get their first crop, get some of their land broken down and worked in the fall before they could come and put in the crop, fence and put up their buildings. This way they have to wait one summer for their first crop. It is not advisable for a person to come here in the spring, break in land and put in crop the first year because the moisture is not in the ground and a failure is almost certain unless it is an exceptionally wet year. One of the boys from that locality MR. PETER M. JENSEN came to Alberta last spring, he bought a 300 RUMSEY oil pull engine on the 8th day June 1917, after that date he broke 1100 acres of prairie sod for which he received an average of $5 per acre. MR. HANSEN from your community was here last fall with several prospective land buyers from the neighborhood at that time he inquired the value of the crop on the section we were farming we told him we would probably make in the neighborhood of $12,000, the same crop when sold brought nearly $19,000. T he most of it being sold when prices were low for the year. TALKING HER OVER, KETCHEM “he says his wife is the apple of his eye. “ KITTY “she looks like the one that’s baked.” Cold in the head is an attack of nasal catarrh. Persons subject to frequent cold of the head will find that the use of HALL'S catarrh medicine will build up the system, cleanse the blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of acute catarrh may lead to chronic catarrh, HALL'S catarrh medicine is taken internally and acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. All druggists, testimonials free, $100 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S will not cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. RECIPIE FOR GRAY HAIR To half pint of water add 1 oz. bay rum a small box of barbo compound and 1/4 oz. of glycerin. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of barbo compound. It will gradually darken streaked faded hair and make it soft and glossy. It will not color scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. Not all men are philosophers some would rather lie awake all night than climb up and off the windmill. END OF COLUMN 5 PAGE D, COLUMN 6 You cook your food why not your tobacco? You know what broiling does to steak, baking to a potato and toasting to bread. In each case flavor is brought out by cooking by toasting, You can imagine how toasting improves the flavor of your burley tobacco used in the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette. It’s toasted, LUCKY STRIKE 10C guaranteed by the American Tobacco Co. Kinicker, What is Smith's item for coal conservation ? Bocker, Cut an inch off the shovels. To Dyspeptics, Others have found a steady course of GARFIELD TEA a pleasant means of retaining your health, Why not you? WIN THE WAR BY PREPARING THE LAND. Sowing the seed and producing bigger crops, Work in joint effort sell of the United States and Canada, Cooperative in manpower necessary, to win the battle for liberty. The food controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for greater food production. Scarcely 100,000 bushels of wheat are available to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. UPON THE EFFORTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA RESTS THE BURDEN OF SUPPLY., Every available farmer and farm Every available tillable acre must contribute hand must assist. Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded but manpower is short and an appeal to the United States wants every man who can effectively help to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United States developed first of course but it also wants to help Canada, Whenever we find a son we can spare to Canada fields after ours are supplied we want to direct him there. As to our employment service and we will tell you where you can best serve the combined interest. Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th, wages to competent help $50 a month and up, board and lodging. Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome good wages good board and fine comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return. For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had apply U.S employment service department of labor. END OF COLUMN 6 PAGE D, COLUMN 7 LUCKY INDEED Did you have any luck in your stock market speculations? Yes indeed I escaped with part of my money. DR. PIERCE'S pleasant pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago, They regulate liver and bowels. TIRED NERVOUS MOTHERS Should profit by the experience of these two women, Buffalo NY, I am a mother of four children and for nearly three years I suffered from a female trouble with pains in my back and side and a general weakness, I had professional attendance most of the time but did not seem to get well. As last resort I decided to try LYDIA K PINKHAM'S vegetable compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers and in two weeks I noticed a marked improvement. I continued its use and am now free from pain and able to do all my home work, MRS. B. B. ZIELINKA, 909 Weise St., Buffalo, NY Portland IN, I had displacement and suffered so badly from it at times I could not be on my feet at all, I was run down and so weak I could not do my housework, was nervous and could not lie down at night, I took treatments from a physician but they did not help me. My aunt recommended LYDIA E PINKHAM'S vegetable compound, I tried it and am now strong and well enough again to do my own work, I give Lydia E Pinkham's compound the credit, MRS. JOSEPHINE KINDLE, 935 West Race St., Portland, IN. Every sick woman should try LYDIA E PINKHAM'S vegetable compound, Lydia E Pinkham's medicine company, Lynn, Mass. END OF COLUMN 7 END OF PAGE D