Caldwell County KyArchives Biographies.....Bugg, G. H. December 1 1818 - unknown ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin December 30, 2004, 9:58 am Author: Kentucky: A History of the State by Battle - Perrin - Kniffin, 3rd edition 1886 G. H. BUGG was born in Fredonia District, December 1, 18l8, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (McDowell) Bugg; the former was born in North Carolina, and the latter in South Carolina. Her father served for four years in the Revolution; both the paternal and maternal ancestors were of Irish descent. In 1806 subject's father first came to this State and worked for some of the farmers then living in this portion of Kentucky. He settled on Piney Creek in this county, but remained only a short time, then settled one-half mile from there. This farm was in Crittenden County, and there he resided until his death, in 1863. G. H. Is the third of nine children. He remained on the old homestead until he was twenty-five years of age, and then settled on a farm on the Ford's Ferry road, in Crittenden County. There he lived for four years on a tract of 100 acres, then came to this county and made one or two settlements, but in February, 1854, came to his present farm where he has since resided. He now owns about 240 acres of land, with about 140 acres in cultivation. Mr. Bugg was married in March, 1844, to Miss Mary Jane Lowry, daughter of John and Gracie (Ordway) Lowry, early settlers of this county. Her father was born in Virginia; her mother in New Hampshire. Mrs. Bugg was born in 1827, and is the mother of eleven children, of whom nine - four sons and five daughters - are now living. Mr. Bugg has served as magistrate four years, and in the early days of muster held the offices of sergeant, lieutenant and captain. Mr. Bugg and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Additional Comments: NOTE: I have no connection and no further information. Sandi This file has been created by a form at