Caldwell County KyArchives Biographies.....Byrd, Charles N. May 2 1843 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin December 27, 2004, 11:00 am Author: Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 3rd edition, 1886 C. N. BYRD was born in Fredonia, May 2, 1843, and is a son of Nathan C. and Sarah J. (Leeper) Byrd. Nathan C. Byrd was born in North Carolina, and when a young man, came to Kentucky and first settled at Hopkinsville. He remained only a short time there, however, and then went to Muhlenburgh County; thence he moved to Princeton about 1832, and there merchandised for about six years. He then came to Fredonia, being one of the first business men at this point, and for upward of thirty-five years continued to be one of the leading merchants of the place. He was also an extensive farmer, owning at one time nearly all the land about Fredonia. Subsequently he sold considerable land, and at the time of his death, which occurred October 12, 1872, he owned only about 500 hundred acres. For upward of fifteen years he was a magistrate in this district. His wife was born in Mississippi, and died in this county, March 14, 1864. Subject is the third of ten children, of whom four are now living, viz.: Charles N., Mary R. (widow of Thomas Hughes), David T. and Walter R. Subject clerked for his father for about ten years, then commenced business for himself in March, 1869, in company with his brother, R. D. Byrd. They continued in business for about three years, when R. D. died, and subject continued for himself for about one year. He then settled up his father's estate, and subsequently turned his attention to farming, settling on 150 acres, which he inherited from the homestead. He now owns about 475 acres, of which there are about 300 acres in cultivation. He also pays some attention to stock raising. In 1875 he resumed merchandising, and followed it for about four years. In 1881 he reopened his store, and has since been in the business. He now owns a stock of about $5,000. Mr. Byrd was married June 11, 1868, to Miss Virginia C. Graham, daughter of John and Sarah (Tull) Graham. Mrs. Byrd was born in Lyon County, Ky., July 4, 1849, and is the mother of four children, two of whom are now living: Nathan J. And Robbie. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd are members of the Southern Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the Fredonia Lodge, No. 247, A. F. & A. M. and has also been identified with the I.O.O.F. This file has been created by a form at