From: (Happy Greer)Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 11:01:32 -0400 Subject: KY-F: Caldwell Co.,KY,Court Order Book B1,1809 Caldwell Co.,KY,Court Order Book B1,1809(August and September) August Court 1809, page 28-- to DAVID DOOM and that BENNET LANGSTON Esqr be appointed to allott the hands to work on said Road and that Said OWENS with said hands when allotted do open and Keep the same in Repairagreeable to Law. On the motion of HENRY F. DELANY Clerk Protem to this Court THOMAS G. DAVIS was admitted to act as his Deputy and was Sworn into Office agreeable to Law On the motion of SAMUEL BURTON it is ordered that THOMAS GREER, BANISTER WADE, STEPHEN LACY, AARON GREER and WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Gent. or any three being first Sworn agreeable to law do View and mark out the nearest and Best way for a Road from SAMUEL BURTONs ferry on the Cumberland River to intersect the road leading from Dover to Eddyville, and make report thereof to the next court as the law directs. Ordered that JOHN LYON, JOHN ATCHESON, MOSES INGRAM, WILLIAM H. LACY and WM. DARNALL Gent. or any three of them being first duly sworn do View and mark out the nearest and Best way for a Road from SAMUEL BURTONs Ferry on the Cumberland River to MICHAEL FREEMANs and make report thereof to the next Court agreeable to Law. On the motion of MICHAEL FREEMAN It is ordered that WILLIAM LEECH (Luck?),JOHN MERCER,CHARDS? [prob. Charels] JONES, WASHINGTON THOMPSON and DAVID PARENT,Gent.,or any three of them being first duly Sworn be appointed Commissioners page 30-- At a County Court continued and held for Caldwell County at the house of ELIJAH G. GILLUSHA Esqr. on Wednesday the 9thday of August 1809. Present ELIJAH G. GILLUSHA ISAAC BROWN JOSIAH WHITNEL & WILLIAM GILLIHAN Esqrs. On the motion of JUSTINIAN CARTWRIGHT It is Ordered that ISAAC BROWN, JOHN MERCER, ANDREW GEORGE, JOHN ANDERSON, WASHINGTON THOMPSON, SAMUEL BURTON and WILLIAM MITCHUSSON Gent. or any three to act be appointed Commissioners for the purpose of establishing and perpetuating Testimony on the following tracts of Seminary lands toWit.Transylvania University 600 acres.The Winchester, Franklin and Montgomery accademies. Ordered that the Patroll District of Number four be added to the District of number Seven,and the two compose one district, & that ISAAC GREER, WM. JENKINS be appd. & Remain as Patrollers & that JOHN ANDERSON, BEN WORTHINGTON and JAMES WADLINGTON be discontinued [cont'd p.31] page 31-- and discharged from acting as patrollers, & it is further Ordered that the afd. GREER &c. Patroll 36 Hours Each monthat least. Ordered that the Sixth Patroll district be added to the Fifth and the two compose one district, and that SAMUEL BLACK be discontinued from acting and that SAML. LEWIS & PETER PIMON? be appd. Patrollers and that they Patroll at least 24 Hours in Each month & Continue to act. Ordered that the Patroll District Number __? be added to the District of Number two and that JAMES HOLLY be appointed to Patroll in the room of ELIJAH G. GILLUSHA Esqr. and that they Patroll at least 48 Hours in Each month. Ordered that this County be laid off into three Districts for the purpose of appointing Commissioners to Procession lands &c. as follows toWit. All that part of the County Between the road from Centreville to Christian Courthouse and Trade Water River shall Compose the District Number One and that JOSIAH WHITNEL, ISAAC BROWN and JAMES [blank] be appointed Processioners of the said District. August 1809, page 35-- Ordered that court adjourn until Court in Course. Dd. JAMES J.P. September 4, 1809, page 35-- At a County Court held for Caldwell County at the Schoolhouse in Eddyville on Monday the 4th day of September 1809. Present WILLIAM MITCHUSSON, DAVID JAMES, ELIJAH G. GILLUSHA & BENNETTLANGSTON Esqrs. The Court proceeds to fix the Tavern Rates for this County toWit. D C Dinner 25 Supper or Breakfast 18 3/4 Corn or Oats P.Gallon 12 1/2 Whiskey P. half Pint 12 1/2 Peach or apple Brandy P. Do 12 1/2 Cyder P. C? 12 1/2 Rum,Wine or French Brandy P.Ditto 25 Horse at Hay or Fother P. night 12 1/3? Lodging P. night 6 1/4 Ordered that the Several Tavern Keepers in this County take the foregoing Rates and no more. page 37-- Any Allotment of the hands to Work on the road wherof JESSE KUYKENDOLL & WILLIAM HAMMOCK are Surveyors was this day Re- turned into Court by ELIJAH G. GILLUSHA Esqr & Ordered to be Recorded. On the motion of BLAKE BAKER It is Ordered that his Ear mark be Recorded as follows a Smooth Crop of the Right Ear and a whole in Each. Ordered that JOHN ANDERSON, ISAAC GREER, MICHAEL FREEMAN, ARMEL? FILCHER and SAMUEL KILGORE or any three who being first Sworn do View and mark out a way for a Road from Eddy- ville to intersect a road leading from Christian Courthouse to LEWIS WOLFs near the Christian County line So as to cross Eddy creek at FREEMANs mill and make report to next Court. Ordered that JAMES ROBERTSON, JESSE GRAY, SOLOMON LEMAR, JACOB LEWIS & WILLIAM HAMMONDS or any three being first Sworn do View and mark out a road the nearest & Best way from a high Bluff on Tennessee River about three miles above what is called the Big Island to Eddyville & make report &c. On the motion of WILLIAM HAMMOND and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the court that the said HAMMOND is the proprietor of the land on the South side of the Cumberland River And the proprietor of the land on the Opposite shore acknowledgeing legal notice, & not appearing Happy Greer ************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.