From: (Happy Greer) Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 13:54:34 -0400 Subject: KY-F: Caldwell Co, Court Order Bk B1,1810 (Jan/Feb/May) Caldwell County, Kentucky, Court Order Book B1, 1810 (Jan/Feb/May): JANUARY 1810 2nd day, p. 59-- Inventory & Appraisement of Estate of Wm. MAXWELL,decd.,Returned into Court by Wm. MAXWELL the Exor of Said Estate & Ord.Rec. On mo. of Jacob DOOM by his attorney ord. by the court that a Ferry be established across the Cumberland River at the place where Isaac HUDSON now Resides on Said River upon his entering bond with Henry DOOM his Security in penalty of =A320 conditioned according to Law The following Rates of Ferriages are allowed across the Cumberland Riv- er in this county Towit, For every coach, Waggon,Charriott and the dri- ver,the Same as for six Horses, For every four wheeled chaise, phaeton and the driver the Same as for four Horses: and for every two wheeled Riding carriage the Same as for two Horses, and for Every Hoggshead of Tobacco,the Same as for one Horse, for every head of Neet cattle, the Same as for one Horse,For every sheep, goat, hogg, or lamb,one fifth part of the Ferriage of a Horse, and for Every Horse [cont'd p. 60] Jany 1810 2nd day, p. 60-- Six and one fourth cents, For every man & Horse ten? and 1/2 Cents and the Several Ferry Keepers are to demand and receive the Same & no more. Ord. Isaac BROWN Senr. be apptd Surveyor of the rd from the creek at Centreville to Joseph GILMOREs and ..he with all the hands living wit- hin three miles of the road on Each side, do open and keep same in re- pair agreeable to Law. Ord. John HERRIN [Joseph Gilmore crossed out] be apptd Srvyr of road from Joseph GILMOREs to opposite Capt. SON & he with all hands living within 3 miles of sd rd on Either side therof do open & keep the same in Repair agreeable to Law. Ord. Joseph LUCK be apptd Srvyr of road from Capt. SONs to PEYTONs Ferry on Tradewater & that he with all hands lvng within 3 miles of Either side sd Rd, open & Keep Same in repair Present David JAMES Esqr. An allottment of the Hands to work on road wherof Stephen LACY is Srvyr was this day ret'd into Court by David JAMES Esqr. Ord. that Jesse B. PEMBERTON, Arthur H. DAVIS, William BROWN, Martin OLIVER & Richard HAYS (NOTE: "ZACHARIAH MATLOCK" crossed out) or any 3 being first sworn view & mark out a Rd the nrst & Best way from or near JESSE..... FEBY. 1810, p. 70-- John COOK who has been Security for Seth BAKER Admr of James BAKER decd. came into court & ackd. notice, whereupon he said COOK, was released from Said Securityship and Arthur H. DAVIS ent'd into & ackd. bond in his stead Ord. James SMART appd. Overseer of the road from Joseph COBBs to Saml. SMITHs, and Jarrett MOSS said SMITHs to the Cave springs at James MORSEs and James MORSE from thence to the top of the Ridge Between Horatio DURBYs (or Dunleys?) & James GREERs & Richd. DAVIS from thence to Tradewater At BATES ford, and Isaac BROWN Esqr. be apptd to allott the hands to work thereon, & Ret. an allottment to the court. Ord. John PRYOR, Zedekiah LEDBETTER, Joel REYNOLDS, William REAVES and Harry DARNALL or any 3 be appd. to View a road from the state line on Tennessee River the nearest & Best way to Harry DARNELs & Report to next court. And that Jacob LEWIS, William BOND, James ADAMS, Alexr. ANDERSON, & John LEWIS or any 3 being first Sworn be appd to View a road from Harry DARNALs the nearest & Best way to the county line on a Direction to Mouth Cumberland & Report to next court. MAY 1810, p. 78-- Present Wm MITCHUSSON, Isaac BROWN & David JAMES Esqrs. The Viewers appd by the Court at Feby Term last to View a road from the State line on Tennessee River the nearest & Best way to Harry DARNALs this day reported the same in these words toWit. which is filed & O.R. and it is Ordered that a Spa. [subpoena] issue to Summon the land holders this which said road is to pass to appear & Shew cause if any why the same shall not be estab- lished according to law On mo. of Nancy REYNOLDS ord. John MITCHUSSON be apptd guardian to Rebeccah REYNOLDS infant 5 years old 3rd Decr. 1809 of Polly? REYNOLDS whereupon the said MITCHUSSON came into Court together with Edward MITCHUSSON his Security and Exd. bond in the penalty of $1000 conditioned according to law payable to Com Ky [NOTE: the following entry was X'd through and the word "Error" written beside it in left margin] On Motion of Wm HOLLAND and with the leave of the court he is exonerated as security for Polly GREER admx of Jonathan GREER decd. whereupon Isaac GREER came into Court & Exd. and ackd. bond in his stead in penalty of [con. p. 79] $500--payable to Commonwealth Ky. Conditioned according to law. May 1810, p. 79 continued-- Present E. G. GALUSHA Esqr. Absent On mo. of John DENLEY (or Durby?) ord that a spa. be au'd. agt Wm JONES a Witness to a Deed from Hugh KILGORE to John Denley (or Durby) to prove the same &c. On mo. of Saml. C. CLARK he is appd. Constable for the County of Caldwell upon his giving bond with Griffin LONG & Peter HILDRITH his secy Payable to Com Ky in Sum of $500 conditioned according to law whereupon he exd. bond as afd. & took Oaths reqd. by law &c On mo. of George ROBISON who made Oath as law directs with the leave of the court letters of admn. is Granted him on the Estate of George ROBISON Decd. upon his giving bond to the Com Ky. in the sum of $200. together with Nathl. DENNIS, Danl. DUNKLIN whereupon they came into court exd. & ackd. bond as afd. & the said George ROBINSON took the oath reqd. by law Ord that Joseph MORGAN David CAMPBELL... Happy Greer ************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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