Caldwell-Livingston County KyArchives Deed.....Reed, John - State Of Kentucky, South Of Green River Grant May 1801 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Julia Newman June 28, 2015, 1:28 pm Livingston County Court, Certificate # 13 Written: May 1801 Recorded: January 10, 1820 Source: KY State Archives South of Green River Grant Book 24, p. 342 MF #272839 John REED 400 acres Caldwell No. 14623 Exd & DD to Col. MERCER Feby. 7th 1820 Gabriel Slaughter Esq. Lieutenant Governor and acting Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to all to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that by virtue and in consideration of a Certificate No. 13 granted by the County Court of Livingston May 1801 agreeably to an act of Assembly for settling and improving the vacant lands of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto John Reed a certain tract or parcel of Land containing four hundred acres by survey bearing date the second day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventeen lying and being in the County of Caldwell on the waters of Livingston Creek and bounded as followeth To wit. Beginning at a black oak on a line of survey made for John BYRUM thence with that line North eighty five West eighty five poles to a B.O. thence South twenty West one hundred and sixty file poles to a black oak and hickory CARICK's corner on David CALDWELL's survey thence on said line North eighty East fifty six poles to two hickories said CALDWELL's corner thence South twenty eight East one hundred poles to three hickory saplins on Kensey ROBINSON's line thence with his line North forty eight East one hundred and fifty poles to two black oaks thence North forty six East fifty two poles on said ROBINSON's line to three post oaks and B.O. thence South forty seven East forty poles to a black oak said ROBINSON's corner thence North eighty eight East fifty two poles to a white oak thence South twenty five East one hundred and eighty poles to a B.O. and hickory thence North eighty nine East sixty poles to a white oak and hickory thence North thirty East one hundred and twenty two poles to two B. oaks and hickory thence North sixty West three hundred and twenty poles to said BYRUM's corner a white oak thence with that line North eighty five West one hundred poles to the Beginning. With its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said John REED and his heirs forever. In Witness Whereof the said Gabriel Slaughter Esq. Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Frankfort on the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and twenty and of the Commonwealth the twenty Eighth. By the Lieutenant Governor Gabriel Slaughter P.G. Waggener, Secretary File at: This file has been created by a form at