CSA PENSIONS, W.KY ------------------- From: Brenda Jerome Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 ------------------- Confederate Pensions Allowed State Pension Board Issues Another List of Names Granting Confederate Pensions. Frankfort, KY., Sept., 29. - Another big list of names of persons granted Confederate pensions was issued today by the State Pension Board. In the list are: Lyon county - Serena Oliver. Crittenden county - Amanda R. Binkley, Margaret E. Franks, J.W. Holloman, J.A. Howard and Joseph King. Hopkins county - William J. Clayton, R. Dixon, T.C. Hunt, J.A. Harris, Mary M. Hamby, W.A. Mitchell, J.E. Phillips and L.J. Shaw. Union county - Dave Chandler, John T. Cissell, D.C. Hancock and Henry J. Lynn. Livingston county - Mrs. C.H. Cofield, Ruth C. Lear and W.H Mann. Caldwell county - M.A. Durham, Lizzie Humphries, H.C. Hunter and W.S. Lamb. Webster county - Nannie L. Gardner, Mary Jane Gates, Dan Haggard, J.T. Nichols and Nancy D. Williams. Crittenden Record-Press 2 Oct 1913 **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons.Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.