BUTLER CEMETERY, KIRKSEY, CALLOWAY COUNTY, KENTUCKY Submitted by: Carl Greenfield ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ This cemetery only contains 1 tombstone now, Louis Jackson Butler's, and it is believed to have at least two - three unmarked graves adjoining the one marked grave. This cemetery is located in northwestern Calloway County north of Kirksey and immediately east of the Duncan Creek Watershed on Duncan Creek Road. The road is reached from Ky. 299 by turning west on Swift Road approximately two miles north of Kirksey and proceeding until you reach Duncan Road. Travel north on Duncan road until you reach the gate of the property on your left. The cemetery is on land once owned by my great-grandmother Martha Greenfield Butler and her husband Lewis (or Louis) Jackson Butler. I believe from talking to family members living at the time of her death that she is buried beside Lewis Jackson Butler in this cemetery along with his first wife Rachel Hall Butler. Other unmarked graves on this site are recorded in the Calloway County Cemetery book page 45 as listed below ( I assume at one time these tombstones existed ). Surname First Name Born Died Inscriptions (comments / known relationships) Butler Louis Jackson - April 3, 1882 age 59 years (born May 3, 1826 from other sources; this stone still exists) Butler Otis Nov. 6, 1901 age 3-10-6 (not sure what 3-10-6 means) Ivey Martha Eveline Butler Nov. 7, 1856 July 10, 1907 wife of NS Ivey Thomas Esquirage Feb. 20, 1891 April 24, 1908 Any additional information about those buried in this cemetery or the locations of their graves would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Carl Greenfield at cgreenf@bellsouth.net if you have any additional information. Carl Greenfield cgreenf@bellsouth.net