May and Rogers Cemetery Compiled and submitted by "Nancy Perry" ====================================================================== May and Rogers Cemetery Located on Little South on the Louis Shepperson farm. CALHOON, Ida Lee, 1872 - 1895 CALHOON, Charles T., 1875 - 1896 CALHOON, B.T., 1838 - 1905 CALHOON, Cyrena F., 1845 - 1908 CALHOON, Alice, 1870 - 1924 CALHOON, Child of Ray and Maud DEVER, Seba, 1881 - 1925 DEVER, Gertrude, 1878 - 1919 (W. of J.L) DEVER, James L., 1863 - 1896 DEVER, Phillip, 1838 - 1924 DEVER, Zula F., 1899 - 1900 (Child of W.W.) DEVER, Lillian L., 1895 - 1895 (C. of W.W.) DEVER, Margaret (Child of Mike) DEVER, Celia F., 1841 - 1935 FERRELL, A. D., 1820 - 1899 FERRELL, W. O., 18 - 1890 (S. of W. D. & I.) FERRELL, Louise Jane, 1820 - 1899 (W. of A. D.) FERRELL, Ida Mae, 1871 - 1962 FERRELL, William D., 1857 - 1914 FERRELL, Marcus, 1906 - 1925 HELM, M. C., 1828 - 1900 (A tombstone was broken behind the M.C. Helm tombstone.) MAY, Sarah J., 1826 - 1891 "Rest Mother Rest in quiet sleep while friends in sorrow over thee weep." MAY, W.W., 1895 - 1896 MAY, Jas. W., 1844 - 1863 (Civil War) MAY, Wm.G., 1818 - 1868 (Earliest birthdate) MAY, Milton, 1836 - 1917 MAY, Mary E., 1840 - 1918 (W. of Milton) MAY, Wm. D., 1871 - 1875 (S. of M. & M.) MAY, Sam C., 1881 - 1907 MAY, Charlie T., 1891 - 1904 MAY, Mary E., 1852 - 1907 (W. of W.T.) PENN, W. M., 1852 - 1913 (This grave was moved to Perryville in 1973 but the tombstone is still there.) ROGERS, Annie G., 1879 - 1908 (W. of Lee) "It's hard to say the parting words but I am gone to my Heavenly City." ROGERS, Samuel L, 1866 - 1896 ROGERS, Samuel N., 1836 - 1888 ROGERS, Nancy E., 1843 - 1898 (W. of S.N.) ROGERS, Irvin W., 1858 - 1862 ROGERS, Sarah, 1864 - 1865 ROGERS, George Thee, 1868 - 1870 ROGERS, William F., 1862 - 1918 ROGERS, Lula V., 1864 - 1924 ROGERS, Lucien H., 1898 - 1956 ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.