Old Tarter Graveyard - Grave Hill Cemetery Compiled and submitted by "Nancy Perry" ====================================================================== Old Tarter Graveyard - Grave Hill Cemetery Located off County Road #837 at Mintonville. There are seven grave sites marked with stacked square cut stones covering an area about 9 by 11½ feet. Many years ago each of these were covered with small buildings. It is believed that families were buried in each enclosure. Only two were identified: Elizabeth Robinson, Born 1796 - Died 1834 and Loney Dick, Born 1805 - Died 1844. CAIN, Elizabeth, no dates CAIN, Smith, no dates DALTON, Iola Emerson, 1888 - 1934 DAVENPORT, Henry, 1811 - 1890 DAVENPORT, Serena, 1811 - 1894 DICK, Fannie, 1803 - 1944 DICK, Green, 1859 - 1917 DICK, Herbert, 1906 - 1909 DICK, Loney, 1805 - 1844 DICK, Valentine Co. C, 3rd Ky. Inf. DICK, William, 1883 - 1883 DYE, Elizabeth, 1851 - 1887 DYE, Etta, 1881 - 1918 DYE, Garnett, 1929 - 1929 DYE, L. M., 1848 - 1900 DYE, L.T., 1874 - 1924 DYE, Lawrence, 1886 - 1918 DYE, Pearl, 1886 - 1939 DYE, Sidney M., 1870 - 1891 EASTMAN, Adolphus, 1879 - 1888 EASTMAN, Emily, 1854 - 1937 EASTMAN, Ephraim F., 1817 - 1885 EASTMAN, James, 1853 - 1934 EASTMAN, Olive B., 1860 - 1894 EASTMAN, Priscilla, 1829 - 1914 EMERSON, A.L, - 1956 EMERSON, Jacob, 1867 - 1921 EMERSON, James F., 1867 - 1880 EMERSON, John, 1877 - 1894 EMERSON, John, 1853 - 1909 EMERSON, Martha Ann, 1858 - 1938 EMERSON, Milton, 1841 - 1918 EMERSON, Nancy, 1839 - 1882 EMERSON, Victor, 1862 - 1934 FOGLE, Thurza S., - 1890 GADBERRY, Elizabeth F., 1883 - 1888 GARNER, C. W., 1830 - 1903 GARNER, Elisabeth, 1833 - 1877 HENDRICKS, Abigail, 1839 - 1924 HENDRICKS, J. W., 1870 - 1871 HENDRIX, Frank, 1836 - 1912 HOLDER, Lillie M., 1882 - 1967 HOLDER, Myrtle, 1906 - 1910 HOLDER, Wm. T., 1872 - 1931 IRVINE, James A., 1905 - 1910 IRVINE, James M., 1872 - 1949 IRVINE, Odella, 1879 - ???? JASPER, Bell D., 1862 - 1871 JASPER, Catherine, 1828 - 1892 JASPER, Dewitt C., 1832 - 1858 JASPER, Dicey, 1826 - 1907 JASPER, F.J., 1876 - 1902 JASPER, John, 1815 - 1862 JASPER, Perry, 1842 - 1905 MARITT, Elizabeth, 1779 - 1863 MCCLURE, M. G., 1832 - 1920 MCCLURE, Mahala, 1837 - 1922 MINTON, Esther, 188 - 1892 MINTON, Isaac N., 1834 - 1892 MINTON, Rachel, 1841 - 1909 MINTON, W. H., 1858 - 1925 PIERCE, J. M. Co. D, 11th Tenn. Cav. RAINWATER, John, 1811 - 1889 ROBINSON, Elizabeth, 1796 - 1834 ROBINSON, Eulyess, 1919 - 1919 ROBINSON, Florence, 1886 - 1968 ROBINSON, Wortee, 1871 - 1940 RODGERS, Manson Co. F, 8th Ky. Cav ROY, Elbert, 1902 - 1902 ROY, Ernest, 1879 - 1885 ROY, Francis, 1826 - 1894 ROY, Franklin B., 1855 - 1915 ROY, Gilbert, 1902 - 1902 ROY, I. N., 1846 - 1892 ROY, John D., 1827 - 1900 ROY, Martha Jane, 1834 - 1917 ROY, Mary E., 1856 - 1961 ROY, Sarah M., 1862 - 1900 ROY, S.B., 1819 - 1891 SINDER, W., 1831 - 1888 SPER, Marion J. Co. F, 1st Ky. Cav. TARTER, Otis C., 1884 - 1975 WEEKS, Nancy E., 1845 - 1881 WESLEY, Baby 1852 - 1853 WESLEY, James, 1813 - 1853 WESLEY, Mary Etta, 1853 - 1853 WESLEY, Ruthie M., 1918 - 1919 WHITE, Lizzie, 1860 - 1939 WHITE, Mittie, - 1880 WHITE, Thomas W., 1851 - 1904 ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.