Benjamin Bennett Lawhorn Commissioners Deed This information was compiled by Jackie Couture Casey County, KY Deed Book 7, page 268? 15 August 1853 This indenture made this 15 day of August 1853 Between Mariah Lawhorn, William Lawhorn, Benjamin Sandifer, Polly Ann Sandifer, Sally Jane Sandifer, John Lawhorn, Sherrod Lawhorn, Nathan Lawhorn, Sally Jane Lawhorn, Nancy Ann Lawhorn, George Lawhorn, Christina Lawhorn and Levisa Lawhorn children, widow and heirs of Benj. B. Lawhorn decd. by Commissioner of the first part and Benjamin Lawhorn of the second part. Witnesseth whereas man action in Casey Circuit Court Benj. Lawhorn admr. of B.B. Lawhorn decd. against the party of the first part who are children and heirs of Benj. B. Lawhorn decd. and order and decree was rendered at the May term 1848 appointing Benj. Lawhorn Commissioner to sell the land of the deceased and in persuance of the said order on the 12th day of Sept. 1848 said land in two tracts of 70 & 50 acres was sold to the highest bid of Benj. Lawhorn for twenty dollars subject to the dower of the widow of the said deceased. and whereas by an order of ? Court after the said order of sale. Joel Sweeney was appointed Commissioner to convey the tracts of land to said Lawhorn. Now in consideration of the premises? the twenty dollars in hand paid the party of the first part doth hereby bargane? sell ? unto the sd. Benjamin Lawhorn & between said two tracts of land lying in Casey County on Fair Creek being the two tracts of land the said Lawhorn decd. seized ? of and adjoining the land of A.B. Fair on the North with the appurtenances subject to dower therein of the sais B.B. Lawhorn decd. To have and to hold to the said B. Lawhorn and his heirs forever. and the party of the first part covenants with sd B. Lawhorn and his heirs forever. and the party of the first part covenants with sd. B. Lawhorn to warrant and defend the rite to the sd. tracts of land from the claim of all persons binding thereafter to the amount of the assets descending to them from the said ancestor. Given under our hand seals this 5 day of August 1853. Joel Sweeney Court USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.