Clark-Montgomery County KyArchives Military Records.....Davis, Thomas April 27, 1818 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Robison August 28, 2009, 3:27 am Pension Application the 27th day of April 1818. State of Kentucky Clarke County Thomas DAVIS states that in the fall of the year 1779 he enlisted as a private soldier in Capt Thomas Young's company in what he thinks was called the Virginia State Regiment and the Western Batalion of this Regt. and he served from that time untill the end of two years when he was Honorably discharged which discharge was signed by Leiut. Col. Joseph CROCKETT commander of the Regt on the 21st day of December 1781 at the falls of Ohio in the present State of Kentucky. I was aged Sixty four years last January, I am a Cripple in the right hand debilitated in body both by rheumatism and Sealic pain at times. My wife Elizabeth Davis is aged fifty Seven years much debilitated and not able to work. I have two Children living with me (towit) John Davis my son aged thirty six years a Cripple in the left arm and void of mothers wit, __ able to help his parents, but a trouble and expense to them. And Nancey Davis a Daughter aged Sixteen Years whose occupation is housewifery. I Served five years in the Revolutionary War..... State of Ohio Madison County On this 6 day of January, 1847,..... Elizabeth Davis, late Elizabeth Fritz aged over 80 years...... That she is the Widow of Thomas Davis deceased who departed this Life February 2d 1842 ..... She further declares that she was married to the Said Thomas Davis on the 15th April 1780 according to her reckoning by the Rev. Andrew Tribble she further saith that her Father Michael Fritz at the time of their marriage resided in Berkley County, Virginia he was unwilling that they should Marry they eloped went off some 25 or 30 Miles but what direction from her Fathers Residence she does not now know to the Residence of A man whose name was Kaufman. She tarried there whilst the said Davis went off (where to she has forgotten) and returned with marriage license which he showed to her observing that he gave a silver Dollar for it And that it was her Death Warrant After the Ceremony was performed the Parson Wrote And Signed A Marriage Certificate she kept it together with her Husbands papers till they perished by the Boat sinking in which she was removing from Pennsylvania to Kentucky whilst descending the Monongahila River her Husband then being gone to the Indian War She futher saith that after she and her Husband had four Children he entlisted under Capt Uriah Springer to serve in the Indian War (she thinks ____Army) A few days after his enlistment she went to Capt Springer and asked him to let her Husband off Stating to him that She was not able to support the little Children without the help of their Father. He refused to do so saying he would not give him for Ten Men and that he was the very Man he wanted or words to that effect. After an Absence of 3 years and 1 month the Said Davis returned home and continued to live affectionately with her till his Death. She further saith that She by A Friend has caused diligent enquiry to be made in the Clerks offices of Hagerstown and Fredericktown Maryland And Winchester and Martinsburg, Virginia for Record proof of their marrige but none was obtained She futher saith that the said Davis had A Book (the subject matter of which was Christian ______) which he converted into A Family Record in which he had made entries of their marriage the ages of their Children and other facts so the said Davis told her She Saw the writings in the Book but could not read them She says that the Above mentioned Book is loaned lost or mislaid it has not been found after diligent searching for it. State of Ohio Same date Appeared Daniel and Nancy Wilson. State Thomas Davis kept a family record in his own hand...entries of the period he left London (England) the distance of time they were crossing the Ocean. The period he and the said Elizabeth were married (which he the said Daniel ... A son Jacob Davis aged 53/57 years. His fathers book was in the possession of David Hull of Kentucky. To whom last fall he applied for it and recovered it. It having been absent over 30 years and that he brought it to Ohio last month..... Valentine Wilson gives deposition. Family record says: Thomas Davis was married to his wife Elizabeth on the 4th of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two Married by a Church Minister in Char__ville town in Old Virginia. September 13, 1853, surviving children of Thomas and Elizabeth Davis are John Davis, Elizabeth Davis, which is now the wife of Jeremiah Wilson, Jacob Davis, Catherine Davis, wife of Jacob Casy, Richard F. Davis, Nancy Davis, the wife of Daniel Wilson. File at: This file has been created by a form at