Clark-Fayette County KyArchives Military Records.....Gorden, John November 26, 1832 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Robison March 6, 2009, 11:26 pm Pension Application Revolutionary War Application for John Gordon/Gorden. State of Kentucky Clarke County On this twenty sixth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the County Court held in ____ for the County aforesaid John Gorden, a resident of said County and State, aged sixty nine years on the twenty sixth day of September last who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. I was drafted in Goochland County where I then resided in the State of Virginia for a term in the Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain and marched on said tour under Capt. William Miller and marched from Dover Creek in said Goochland County into Albermarle County to Albermarle Barracks when I served one month guarding the British Prisoners. I have forgotten the names of the Colonel and Major of the Regiment to which said Company was attached and at the end of said month I was discharged from said tour. I resumed the foregoing service in the month of december, but have forgotten the year though I think it was about two years before the siege of York. Afterwards I was again drafted for another tour in the Virginia Militia in said Goochland County and thence marched in said service under Capt. Elisha Lea__ to Petersberg and to the Isle of Wight and on the South side of James River in said State. I recollect that Major ___ecleman was attached to the regiment to which siad Leah's company belonged but I have forgotten the name of the Colonel of said Regiment and on that tour I served upwards of two months and we were not on this tour engaged in any battle-and I remember that said Dedman/Decloman was a Frenchman by birth and his name may not be ____ correctly spelt and I don't remember the name of any regular officer serving with us in the above tour. I have forgotten the year when the last tour was served, but I recollect that it was performed in the spring of the year, and before the siege of York. Afterwards I was again drafted in Goochland County for another tour in the Virginia Militia was attached to the Comapny of Capt Stokley ?Fowls/Towles and thence marched in said Company in the regiment of Colonel Pleasants to Richmond in Virginia where the Militai was rendezvoused and from Richmond we were marched down the James River to the ?Moblin/Mobbin Hills ____ Turkey/Furkey Island Creek and on that tour I served two months-adn we were engaged in a skirmish with the British Troops. I don't remember the name of the Commanding General if there was __ General's _____ there-Genl LaFayette was the commanding General at Richmond where we were rendezvoused as above. I don't remember the year thes tour was performed-but it was before the siege of York and in the summer months. Afterwards I was again drafted for another tour in said Goochland County, in the Virginia Militia in the Company of Capt Gideon _____ and marched in said Company from said Goochland County down James River and crossed over to the Isle of Wight and thence to ?Cabbern Point-we were not engaged in any battle on this tour. I don't remember the name of the Colonel of the Regiment to which I was attached and there _____ a General's command out so far as I can recollect and on this tour I served upwards of two months. I don't remember the year when this tour was served ____ but I recollect that I was discharged in November or december in Petersburg and before the siege of York. Afterwards I was again drafted to serve another tour in the Militia of Virginia in Goochland County and thence marched under Capt. Duke whose first name I have forgotten, Williamsberg where we were rendezvoued and thence marched to the Town of Little York where our Company was attached to Colonel Joseph ? Davids/Daniels regiment under General Stevens-during the siege of York and until we captured said town and Cornwallis surrendered--we were thence marched to Winchester, in Virginia with the British forces. I was discharged at the Winchester Barracks and on this tour I served upwards of two months and on said several tours I served eight months in all--on the performance of the above tours I received a regular discharge from ___ but I have not any documentary evidence of _____ discharges or of my service as aforesaid. I can _____ my services aforesaid in part by Vachel ?Landree/Fahndree and in part by Richard Lewis, who lives about eight miles from this County--and whose statement I cannot conveniently procure. I was born in Goochland County aforesaid, on the 26th September 1763--I have a record of my age at my own house in this County, entered in a family bible and transcribed from my father's register of the ages of his children. I was living in said Goochland County when called into service as aforesaid, and had lived there from the time of my birth--and once the revolutionary I continued to live in Goochland County, until the 4th day of March 1796, (except one year I lived in Fluvanna County and on the day last named I moved from Goochland County to Kentucky, which last place I arrived at on 4th April 1796 and settled myself and family in Clarke County in said State where I have continued to reside ever since-and where I now live. I never received a written discharge from the service because I never called for my discharge--we were discharged by companies and I always knew I could get one from my captains ____ application. I served under General Washington at the seige of York--and in the course of said tour I served under Gen. LaFayette or the Marquis as he was then called. I am known in my present neighborhood to Col. Francis F. Jackson, David Hampton Esq. Samuel ?Haroon, James Clark Esq late member of Congress from Kentucky and Chilton Allan Esq at present a member of Congress from this District Samuel M. Taylor/Faylor Esq and _____ other persons who can testify as to my character for veracity and there belief of my services as a soldier of the Revolution. And I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State Sworm to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid John X Gorden More depositions given including wife Mary. Dear Sir: Reference is made to your request for information in regard to John Gordon, who was born in 1763 in Virginia, and served in the War of the Revolution from that state. The data furnished herein were obtained from the papers on file on pension claim W. 8858, based upon the Revolutionary War service of John Gorden or Gordon. He was born September 26, 1763 in Goochland County, Virginia. While residing in said Goochland County, he enlisted and served as a private with the Virginia troops as follows--no dates ........ He died February 5, 1839. The soldier John Gorden married September 18, 1783, Mary, the daughter of Randle Roundtree. She was born April 14, 1761. She was allowed pension on her application executed February 15, 1843, then a resident of Clark County, Kentucky. The children of John Gorden and his wife Mary-- Randel born July 15, 1784 John January 23, 1786 Salley March 4, 1788 John February 8 1790 Elizabeth August ___ _____ William December 24, 179_ Judah February 24, 1797 Thomas May 29, 1799 David October 13, 1801 Richardson December 8, 1804 In one of the depositions, it said a son John had died and they then called one of the other sons John. John Gordon (elder) had a brother William that gave a deposition. He was seventy on 21st day February 1843. File at: This file has been created by a form at