Clark-Montgomery County KyArchives Obituaries.....Huls, Jane June 26, 1931 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Hatton September 13, 2009, 10:29 pm The Winchester Sun, Saturday June 27, 1931 Microfilm 1925 September-December-From the Clark County Library Huls, Mrs. Jane The Winchester Sun, Saturday June 27, 1931 Mrs. Jane Huls Dies in County Deceased Had Been Member of Bethlehem Church For More Than Seventy Years Mrs. Jane Huls, 89 years old, died Friday night at 7:00 O’clock at her home in Clark County. She was a native of Montgomery County but had resided here the greater part of her life. Mrs. Huls was a member of the Bethlehem Christian Church more than 70 years. Surviving her are two sons, Charles and Robert Huls, Clark County; eight grandchildren, Miss Mary Huls, Porter Huls, Lucile Reed, all of West Palm Beach, Florida; Mrs. Forest Suter, Kansas City, Missouri; Waller and Frank Judy, both of Cynthiana, and David Huls, and Miss Nellie B. Huls, Clark County, and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral Services will be held at the Bethlehem Church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 O’clock, the Revs. Bruce Trimble and A. C. Brooks, both of Mt. Sterling, conducting. Burial Will follow in the family lot in the Mt. Sterling Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be: David Judy, Waller Judy, Frank Judy, Will Scobee, Jim Scobee, and John Hart Delaney. Honorary: Levi Goff Sr., Asa Barrow, J. B. Pharis, A F. Duckworth, Joe Jones, Henry Williams, John Thompson, Ward Bush, Dr. E. E. Curry, and Wilbert Walton. Additional Comments: Mrs Jane Huls was the daughter of William Scobee and Nellie Jane Burroughs. She was the wife of W. D. Huls Birth: Feb. 22, 1842 Montgomery County, Kentucky Death: Jun. 26, 1931 Kiddville, Clark County, Kentucky She was buried in the Machpelah Cemetery in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky on 28 Jun 1931. File at: This file has been created by a form at