Clark-Montgomery County KyArchives Obituaries.....Scobee, Sarah Elizabeth Jane McIntire September 18, 1925 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Hatton September 12, 2009, 10:19 pm The Winchester Sun, Saturday September 19, 1925 Microfilm 1925 September-December-From the Clark County Library The Winchester Sun, Saturday September 19, 1925 Clark Woman Is Dead In Indiana Remains to Be Brought Here, Where Burial Will Take Place Sunday Mrs. J. W. B. Scobee died Friday afternoon at 2:30 O’clock at the home of her daughter Mrs. Ed Garrel of Greencastle, Indiana. She was 80 years old. The remains will arrive in Winchester Sunday noon. Funeral Services will be held at the grave in the Winchester Cemetery, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 O’clock conducted by Rev. B. W. Trimble of Mt. Sterling. Pall Bearers will be John H. DeLaney, John A. Ramsey, James A. Scobee Jr., J. W. Fitzpatrick, R. D. Fitzpatrick, and T. W. Fitzpatrick. The following children survive: Mrs. Jo H. Thompson, Clark County, Will and Jim Scobee of Montgomery County, Mrs. Ed Garrel and Mrs. D. Allen, of Indiana, Etta, Maggie, and Robert of Colorado, Jane of California and Pick of Colorado. Her husband preceded her to the grave by several years. Additional Comments: Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Jane McIntire Scobee was born on Sep. 18, 1836 Winchester Cemetery information: Plot: Sec-CENTRL Lot-386 Grv-24 File at: This file has been created by a form at